Friday, September 8th, 2006
Katherine picking berries After the rain. Before the bike ride. Blackberry brambles beckon us. Unhurried. Stirred by Nature. We walk in silence. Upon the railway tracks. Now matter which way we look. Beauty surrounds us. Heaven is no longer waiting.
Seeds of life. Fortification. Feeding hungy souls. Wildcrafted creatures. Moving inward to further understand. Taste the natural goodness. Know the difference. Nourished by Light. Fed by Loving. Living in Truth.
Ripe with possibility. Reaching for the picking. Juicy wetness upon the tongue. Up on tiptoes to further reach. Towards the shining sun. Blessed Berries nourishing every part of us. A higher vibration. Forever as one.
Katherine Marion
This photograph was taken in September 2006 by Kaelin Marion with a Kodak EasyShare Z740 digital camera.
Copyright 2006 by