Super Natural Woman

Words : Making Sense : A Rawsome Revolution

Friday, November 17th, 2006

Kindly warned, yet far from warmed by a renowned rawfoodist's recent newsletter, I calmly struggle to regain composure as I read words written in genuine concern. A New York television station is seeking insping interviews with Raw Families and I haven't even be duly notified? That's it! I am soon to definately erect my newest web wonder of a creation - Why hasn't anyone artfully informed me of this yummy turn of events and why would this noteworthy news be viewed as anything other than a most promising ad -venture?

Initially I am justifiably furious at the chilling e-minder that suggests the silence that threatens to potently poison womanifold Mother and Children still suffering at the ignorant hands of a love-starved few. Yet even more so, utterly incensed at those horror-filled many whom recklessly make the identifying choice to crumble into far from solitary submissive solitude as innocent others rights are wrongly abolished and loved ones often forever separated. Again, woefully proving ignorance is unfoundedly still considered bliss.

Hideously too many madmen hide in the blurring background, burping live pizza and praising the healing halucinagenics of unfiltered raw coffee beans. An Accountable Conscious Community readies and steadies itself for countdown ... The only time worthwhile is NOW ... merely and dearly because we make it so, by living in the Joyful Justice of the one and only moment!

Gorgeosly, we gather momentum to proceed without undue haste or cautionary note to lay squander or regretfully waste.With a gargantuem quantum leap of Faith, to safely land upon precious unsoiled sovereign land. Found within the unfettered fabric and trusing terrain of the fabulour future. Ingesting pure living foods, we are aimlessly afraid to calm down and humbly raise our hallowed heads ... as we give praise. In divine order that we may for once and ever begin to really live our precious remaining days.

Everyday my own blessed child and I count our heartbeats as blessings from above. No matter what endless fear-mongering comes our Peaceful heaven-sent way, we shall continue to be merely the mortally wounded warriors, unduly discounted by disgruntled scaredy-cat scoundrels we adamantly refuse to easily devour and fearlessly choose to slay.

Thus from my self appointed podium at hard won feline front; trustingly I shall mercifully accept my rightful place. Aligning my deliciously given powers with deviinely delivered Grace!

Katherine Marion

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