Fri, Feb 22, 2003
Raves for 2 Rawsome young teens bringing one consciousness raising concept - Raw Food - to the flavourful forefront.
'Eating Without Heating' is a concise and clearly written creative compendium of delicious delectables. Prepared from scratch and delivered purely and organically from the heart.
Ready to whet your appetite? Igor's Flax Crackers served with Sunflower Seed Cheese. Un-chicken Noodle Soup, tasting just like Mum's old remedy. A menu of munchable miracles made to satisfy the palate and designed to suit a healthier and happier lifestyle.
A liver cleansing dandelion salad, the perfect pecan gravy (forget the mashed potatoes), crowd pleasing chowder (no cream necessary) and 'live' garden burgers filled with food of the Earth.
Dehydrated 'pizza' - sans dough, yeast and wheat free. Topped with herbs and sun dried tomatoes, soaked nuts, seeds, raisins and sweet basil plucked fresh from the fields.
A tasty toss up between Sergie's 'Young Coconut Dream Pie' (concocted on the 10th day of his fast) or sister Valya's 'Almond Orange Cookies' to lose even more sleep over!
So, what sumptuous wonders will it be?
Whatever savoury samplings that I might suggest -
a rousing ride of a ravenous read!
This veritable vision of delectables dreamt up by a couple of tender hearted and swift thinking purists
proves that courage to stand up for what one believes in, can start at an early and raw inspiring age!
Kudos to a couple of soaring and savvy souls who leave no sizzle on the grill. Not only do these kids continue to conscientiously crank it out... they remember to count their infinite blessings. Better still, they artfully and rawsomely pass em on...!
P.S. May this contributing photographer (not to mention valued taste tester), Katherine A. Marion's
'Yummy Enough To Eat' images add an extra bite to your many marvellous meals.
Bon appetite!
Read this excerpt!