CHEAP! Hormone-free raw frozen pet food - Fraser Valley meat and fish (downtown Vancouver)

With 2 growing and glowing 14 mo young Lab pups .. I knew it best to feed them the finest.
Now, i am helping support the healing of many others valued and loyal companions.

Within 24 hrs of feeding your best friend his fist raw and literally 'live' meal of chicken and tripe or beef or .. the digestive tract will be back on track.
i know

boundless energy
powerful doggy naps and restful sleeps
clear eyes
shiny coats
clean tongue
lean muscle mass
good breath
longest lifespan
no vet bills!!!

pee that is literally healthy for the grass that your beloved pooch pees on
poop that is easy to pick up and carries visible traces of healing benefits .. thereof

no-fillers or binders such as added blood, bone and vegs
bow wow empowering ...

Makes common sense, too

A dog has the same digestive tract as a Wolf
Omnivores' such as .. east a raw, undiluted, non-cooked, no toxins .. diet of primarily meat, a few fresh and seasonal fruits, berries and vegs.

So, call me and get the best price for larger orders
the rest - come try a few lbs for a starter ..

Grateful Doggess - Kat Purring


As "food grade,' humans .. can even eat and enjoy this fabulous and purest fare!