Super Natural Woman

Katherine's Diary


Sunday, April 29th, 2007

Our Disappearing Planet

"Every quarter pound of hamburger was produced via 100 gallons of water, 1.2 pounds of grain, a cup of gasoline, greenhouse-gas emissions equivalent to those produced by a six-mile drive in your average car, and the loss of 1.25 pounds of topsoil, every inch of which took 500 years for the microbes and earthworms to build. How can all this cost less than a dollar, and who is supposed to pay for the rest of it?"

Jingee -

(Today's quote from one more rawsome Momma, teaching and living the raw life.)

Kaelin tells me "Gabrielle and I caught a Butterfly, last year", as he reads "Where Do You Park Your Broomstick?". This Spring, we already look forward to seeing what many consider to be beastly bees, after recently being stung with news of the dying off of the well known honey bee. Now, we are reading about beef burgers and the burgeoning stress put on our already declining eco system.

"That's sick!", my Son sadly says. "I think animals should never have been turned into food". Wholeheartedly, I agree, with all my heart and lifted soul. We look at one another and hug. Raising our pretty cups filled with Yogi Tea and hoping this love starved world will soon open their hearts to more fully see ...

With a healthy appetite for life,

Love Katherine

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

Hearing Voices

My 11 year old homeschooler happily listens to his Mommy's radio interview on "Animal Voices". Victoria Boutenko ( is interviewed from her healing home in Oregon, before one more Super Natural Woman speaks her own wise words. Well directed questions are asked; concerning my novel 'in the works' and the neccesity of a spiritual life. Reminded of how intensely important it is for me to speak my Truth; I realize how much I miss shaing my stories. Inspiring others to listen to their own inner voice, is what fuels and fires me to be the best I already am.

I have taken a brief hiatus from SNW after becoming somewhat distraught, due to years of my hard won work and well loved files being "deleted" from the hard drive, after my sites sat on someone's home server far too long. At this time, it doesn't look to be ecomomically feasable to run this site. Yet, I know that my spiritual survival depends on my soul thriving; by doing what my spirit prescribes. Writing is one of my talents. Photography is my meditation. Communication is a neccesity. I just happened to have a few of the tools to help build a healthy bridge between a world lost and a new life beginning ... Thus, I must start afresh, no matter what the temporary interuptions, seeming obstacles, endless challenges and shadows that continue to dodge the light.

Bestowed with Brightness, Boldness and Beauty,


P.S. I shall soon be uploading quite a few mini video's from a SuperNatural past ... full of preciousness, purity, and pleasure. May you enjoy and feel free to speak your own blessed voice!

P.P.S. Wait until I start my own podcast. Let me know what you would like and love to see and hear.

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Spring Cleaning

The past few months have been filled with growing pains, tears as magical mirrors, and the replenishing of sacred soil. Love leads a flower to the sun. Months of rain and a few rays of light may only cause a garden to more beautifully grow ....

Due to a 'technical error' many hundreds of hours of my well spent energy, love and devotion have seemingly disappeared from the face of my world. Well crafted articles, gorgeous images, loving thoughts, and instinctive urgings, have been wiped off the face of sacred Supernatural terrain. Grief has been great. My happiness ... a new seed planted.

This sunny afternoon, my wonderful Art Therapist at WAVAW (Women Against Violence Against Women ); upon hearing me speak of my recent vision of myself 'in a field of dandelions', spoke of the innate intelligence found within a seeming pest and bothersome weed. After being torn from the only home she has ever known, she resurrects herself. Even though, she may not have the same highly visible, long and swaying stem ... her power is in her innate ability to adapt. Still in her original form, yet stinger and more secure. Grounded.

With solid roots, stemming from the centre of a healthy core. Energized by the power that flows through all of Mother Earth's creations.Creator coming into her glorious own. Empowered by forces unseen by most. Knowing she is safe to once again, raise her glorious golden head. Like a rainbow, illuminating all with the magic flowing within her purest essence. Humble, yet honouring that which wondrously is and mightily shall forever be.


Katherine Marion

Thursday, January 22nd, 2007

Mother's Moment's

Kaelin sits at our refurbished teak table. Liberally dousing his vegan raw meal with celtic salt as he gazes upwards at melting beeswax. Dinner by candlight after an evening of playing tag with new friends. Mentally preparing for tomorrow's soccer practice. Literally spearing large chunks of dark green kale with a dinner fork. One hungry Angel illuminated by the loving light of evenings slow yawn.

Relaxing on my leopard print chaise lounge. Peering into the computer screen as words magically appear before my tired eyes. Fascinated by the sentences created by an active mind presenting choices made with loving heart. Slowly settly down after an impassioned telephone conversation. Placing my recently professionally massaged feet upwards for a brief refrain. Letting go of all to find beauty in another day.

Walking together through early evening mists. Sharing laughter in the refreshing delight of cleansing rain. Stopping to pet a miniature Coli on the way to purchase organic produce. Sneaking a taste of the most deliciously moist date. Remembering to pick up curry for a fresh batch of Kats Hot Flax Crax. Breathing in the intoxicating scent of pine trees along a deserted side road. Finding our way home as the moon hides for one more good night.

Together Always,


January 20th, 2007

The Taste of Believing in Myself

The smell of fast food invades the environment of card playing kids and older lonely hearts bringing gifts of plastic wrapped store bought buns. My Son sits with two new neighbour friends whom literally ran across the roof of our cottage, a couple of weeks ago. "Listen, I want to be your friend. But, only if you promise not to stomp on our roof" one wise ten year old told the hormone charged children down the lane. And, look now ... Miracles of Miracles abound!

This chilly evening, sitting in the neighbourhood game shop, wireless connection does not seem to be a possibility.Temporarily frustrated, I decide to focus on tenderly pressing the shiny keys of my newly acquired gift of a laptop. Letting go of other people's negative energies, which nearly confronted me, in a head - on collision, earlier today, I turn inward to the source of my powers... and thus, prevail. Unable to keep my self from hearing multitudes of mini conversations, I listen, instead to the stirrings of my happy heart.

Feeling a stirring in my loins, all too quickly I realize my cellular is vibrating. Pulling one more mode of communication out of my black winter jacket, I listen to the fantastic good news ... "Hi, my name is Dylan and I am calling you about the audition". Of course, the excited individual that I so very much tend to be, I exclaimed " Oh, it is unfortunate I didn't use you as my whipping boy. Where are the rest of the girls, anyway?" Of course, I caught the poor male completely off guard. Turns out one surprised production assistant merely wished to divulge some important information. Yes! Yes! Yes! I got the audition!!!!

It's amazing what occurs when we allow ourselves to totally remove ourselves from our wants and desires. The commercial audition that I went on last week? Where Kaelin and I were nicely pulled in off the street? The hilarious "I don't give a da__ " type of incident or situation where we simply put it all out there? The day I don't wear any makeup ( as per usual ) or a bra ( o.k., that too )? The wonderful laughter shared with strangers before walking happily out the ballroom door? Well, it worked.

We shoot the non - union commercial on the 24th of this month. The rest is all a mystery... literally. Jennifer calls me this weekend and next week I go to work. Yes! I am so excited. No agent. No brassiere. No pretensions. Nothing lost. Simply one big gain. Who knows? Maybe I will purchase a new upper boday under garment. Yet, nothing will replace the look on my excited face as I look forward to meeting other wonderful beings who also 'put themselves out there' and succeeeded. It only gets better!

Shop is closing up for the night and a video calls my name. Time to play the watcher instead of the watched. Open my eyes and hold on to one more incredible stream of consciousness Feel my heart beating and listen to the melody play ... Remain excited about my wondrous life and all the bright and brilliant good news. And only expect more. Accepting only the best and enjoying every marvelous moment. Knowing that I deserve all the beauty that is already here.

Congrantulating Myself,


Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

He Lifts Me Up

Tonight, if I hadn't held the little hand of Love, while taking my midfielder to soccer practice, I wouldn't have tasted yogic glories of a blue rubber mat under my readied butt. With every new breath of bounce of the mini-rebounder, I feel heavy lymph nodes begin to drain and Hope for a happier world, again.

As I lift my legs to the roof and push with feet firmly planted... Grounded I remain. Thirty pound dumbells in each hand while stretching firm inner thighs. With no discernable sign of pain. Next a sauna and soon I shall be ready to venture forth, one more, int the glorious rain!

Lifted by the Light,


Monday, December 18th, 2006

This Heart

Holding my sleeping Child in rocking repose as I listen to one more load of laundry whirl. Watching rain water bounce off our baby Douglas Fir. Touching the tender cheek of Love with my hungry lips. Offering my Heart as only a Blessed Mother May!



Friday, December 15th, 2006

Love's Waking Hours

In the earliest hours of a winter's day, the cutting wind howls as an unheard storm begins ... Looking outside from the warm safety of my cozy bedroom, I watch Mother Nature flash her all enduring smile with a fury both vast and magnificent.

I've been editing my digital file; preparing soccer team photo's for the eager perusal of parents, reviewing family portraits from a recent photograghy assignment, and writing letters to loved ones on the back of personalized postcards. What more fulfilling way to fill a quiet morning!

Soon the birds shall sing their sweet song and the crows shall caw. While this lovebird rests a peaceful sleep because she does not simply wait to dream of Love.

Alway in Love,


Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Happy Birthday - Daddy

Today my Dear Dad turns 76 years young. How I wish Frank Marion Sr. was here to meet his eldest daugher's first born - Kaelin, and hold the comforting hand of Love. Leaving this physical realm at the tender age of 63 is still simply too young for me!

In memory of one more beautiful Man who never lived long enough to see the shining reflection of his own Beauty. Upon this Divine day I have been inspired to write words of the utmost Gratitude: an impassioned poem, lines of Gratitude and Love Letter To My Daddy.

As the steady beat of my ever opening heart calls out, I know the loving seed once so beautifully planted inside of me is still alive with Love's gentle reminder that lives on forever ...

Filled to Beauties brim,


Thursday, November 30th, 2006

Within Perception Does Dwell A Happy Home

"It's Craig and Amy on The Beat 94.5 FM!" broadcasts the radio announcer at precisely 9:02 a.m. this morning. Kaelin gleefully dances with childlike abandon on the shiny surface of the hardwood floor as I longingly gaze through the double set of sliding glass doors of the bedroom, into the winter wonderland that patiently awaits us. After two intense hours of watching The Corporation - Michael Moore's brutally honest and indepth exploration of the devastating effects of a capitalistic society, my learned ten year young homeschooler and I are ready to let out one big exhale as we allow only positive energies to rule!

Every single soul on this ailing planet posses' the the supreme power to think, feel, and act according to their individual beliefs. Imagine if we accepted personal responsibility to behave with the utmost of morals and integrity? Fully opening our blossoming hearts and taking action in conscious accordance to that highest part within all of us; that we know to be the Innate Truth.

One precious person at a time, making the tiniest leap of faith ... creates a world of self - divining difference. The possibilities are positively endless. The beginning ir right here ... This is called Community!

In Caring Consideration,

Katherine Marion

Saturday, November 28th, 2006

The Chilling Truth

"Is it cold enough for a face mask, yet?" my shivering Son asks me as he ploughs through the first snow of the season, with persistance and one big, fluffy sheepskin glove. "Not yet, Kaelin" I all too quickly reply, before feeling the freezing chill of the wind hit me fully on the forehead. Laughing, one wet and wonderfully soaked boy on a bicycle and his Mommy breathe in the joy of snowflakes that clamour for attention under streetlamps that guide us safely home.


Katherine Marion

Friday, November 24th, 2006

Sweet Offerings

"Kaelin, why is there an empty shot glass, lying upside down, on the bathroom floor, beside the toilet?' I ask my son, as he sits, peacefully, in the living room, writing in his Gratitude Journal. "I don't know, Mommy" is his innocent reply, as he licks crystallized honey from the vantage point of his low lying cup of early morning chai tea.On my knees already, I know I may as well bow down in Grace.

"It is a chilly 2 degrees and there is a chance of snow" we hear on the Beat 94.5 FM 6:00 a.m. Kit Carson and Holly Conway show ( Kaelin's favourite ) I lift my ever sweetened and overflowing cup to my grateful lips, and looking at my always smiling son, I give the warmest of thanks!

Bottoms Up,


Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Making Peace

Decidedly despondent and temporily out of sorts after attempting to digest a raw piece broadcast over the worldwide web, I find solace in a calming bit of poetic prose that magically pours forth: Making Sense - A Rawsome Revolution. Gratified, Iam again wholeheartedly inspired to further assist my genius Son as we laughingly rewrite the lyrics to another Peaceful John Lennon song. My as yet ... unsung Here!

Juxtaposing war with wit, we as wariors of Light, descend fearlessly into one more goodnite. Tucking my biggest hearbeat in for a well deserved rest, I look deeply inside and herewithin lays the magical mirror I Love best. Never to keep far from my loving side ...


Katherine Marion

Monday, November 6th, 2006

Perfect Day

The skies have cleared. The rain has ceased. I smell the air ... and I think of Spring. Everything is so fresh and clean. Green grass and golden leaves. Bare branches and all that entrances ... My heart is full and my head is empty. A perfect Day!



All Things Wet and Wonderful

Saturday, November 4th, 2006

Captain Chris returns to the field after a speedy two week recovery. Emptying rainclouds and a chilling autumn wind work in combination to co - create one cool hour long game. Mothers in makeup; protected by umbrellas and the love of their children. A wet coach wearing canary yellow and shouting praise from the muddy sidelines. Welcome to the fourth Saturday soccer match of the season. Go Panthers!


Kudos toYavar and Kajun for scoring those two goals. Now you can go home, pat yourself on the back and stuff those winning shoes with dry newspaper!

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

By Divine Design

Laying in the sun I speak to a lovely couple of Christians who pray for Kaelin and I every day. They are going to scout out organic hazelnut groves where we will surely collect "a years worth of nuts for free". Blessed be!

It is fascinating how certain loving people can come into our lives when 'crisis' occurs. The seven traumatic months Kaaelin was 'missing' was the loneliest life I ever attempted to lead. Besides learning who really wasn't my friend, I came to find a few lovely souls who believed in me and truly appreciated what both Kaelin and I were unnecesarily put through.

"I just want to listen. I think I can help" is what another new friend told me, today. Kaelin and I are gratefully accepting his gift of a top of the line Dell laptop computer with state of the art software. We will have a neccesary tool to further design our new world. Thank you.

Support is everywhere if we choose to allow the plentiful gifts to come forth. Knowing that we are all conscious contributors and accepting whatever love we are ofered is all we really need to do!

Warming my Soul,

Love Katherine

Monday, November 6th, 2006

Perfect Day

The skies have cleared. The rain has ceased. I smell the air ... and I think of Spring. Everything is so fresh and clean. Green grass and golden leaves. Bare branches and all that entrances ... My heart is full and my head is empty. A perfect Day!



Saturday, November 4th, 2006

All Things Wet and Wonderful

Captain Chris returns to the field after a speedy two week recovery. Emptying rainclouds and a chilling autumn wind work in combination to co - create one cool hour long game. Mothers in makeup; protected by umbrellas and the love of their children. A wet coach wearing canary yellow and shouting praise from the muddy sidelines. Welcome to the fourth Saturday soccer match of the season. Go Panthers!


Kudos toYavar and Kajun for scoring those two goals. Now you can go home, pat yourself on the back and stuff those winning shoes with dry newspaper!

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Good Natured Embrace

Everyone seems to dutifully remind me " the weatherman says it's supposed to go below zero, tonight!" Even my diligent landlady calls to say " leave the cold water tap on". Yet, not a single shivering soul "ooh's" and "ah's" with the same wonder with which I do, upon gleefully spotting one perfectly formed yellow rose trailing up towards the heavens.

Right outside my bedroom window, this hearty flower soars towards a sun that at this time of year does not always shine. Opening up her pretty petals ... she innocently invites the senses to to fully awaken from many a long slumber. Forgiving all trespass' she seeks merely to grow to feel the warmth one more perfect day.

I leave the faucet dripping and smell my winter rose. Saying goodbye to my precious boy I give my baby bud a bucket of refreshing ale to quench her thirst on. Closing the door to pack up my bags for final delivery at the gym, I bid farewell to the tiniest speck of butterfly - wing yellow as I openly Embrace the cooling fall and its multi-coloured treasures.

Holding Close,


Friday, October 27th, 2006

Sweet Scare's

After a thorough stretching session and a revitalizing sweat at the gym, Mommy eagerly spends her alotted small measure of time on the computer. Kaelin wears a scary face and holds up "Fireworks" outside the store next door. After twenty bone chilling minutes, my son with the gruesome face is responsible for a hefty $240.00 sale. Sounds like fair trade for an "Eternity" firecracker that blasts way up ... lighting the clear evening sky with shooting stars of cascading colours.

I prepare a rawsome dinner as my beautiful beaming boy sits down with his daily journal writing. After twenty written affirmations and a final prep for tomorrow's soccer game, my brightest shining star is ready for bed. Dreams of firecracker's and one more succesive win shall surely fill Mr. Boo's sleep as he lays down his far from tired - yet, always handsome head.

With Pleasure,


Thursday, October 26th, 2006

A Flavourful Day

Tutor and teacher friend, Kasse, comes by to pick up his freshly prepared creamy grape, coconut smoothie. Along with a heaping serving of Supernatural salad to go ... Optimal brain power - fueled by live enzymes - with fantastic flavour to match!

Mr Boo ( "my name is not Kaelin" ) finally awakens post sleeping 11 1/2 hours after last nights intense 1 1/2 hour soccer practice on wet and muddy fields. Not falling once, arriving home, full of energy ... to stuff his soccer boots with crumpled newspaper and devour another overflowing plate of garden fresh vegetables topped with hempseed nut, Udo's oil and plenty of himilayan salt.

Supernatural Woman takes on evening walk through multi - coloured leaves. Breating in negative ions ( creating even more positive energy ) she watches her excited son set off "just one more" firecracker. The acrid smell of sulphur fills the air as smiles light up the faces of one precious and most loving pair. We have had another Supernatural Day and shared so much Love so magical many.



Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Easy To Bite Into ... Joy!

After last wednesdays fall on my bike; recovering from a minor concussion and more than a few enduring scrapes, cuts and scabs - I was elated to arrive at todays Farmers Market safely esconsed within the cozy confines of a four wheeled motor vehicle!

Bringing our own boxes, we filled up on fresh kale, carrots, squash, pumpkin, and beets from Forstbauer Farm. Next; a visit to Anna Marie at Klippers for bags of the sweetest concorde grapes, cunchiest Mitsu apples, juiciest heirloom tomatoes, and hot green chili peppers.

Our last mouthwatering stop was to the 'honey shop' to dig into Westcoast Nectar locally produced by Arila's Apiary ( whatever your choice of pollinated flower may be ... ). Kaelin salivated as I hid one jarful of delicious divinities, before we quickly ran for cover from fall's enduring rains.

Final day at the local outdoor market. Guess its time to safely travel home to lick my honey sweetened wounds goodbye. An even fresher start to a new year as we dole out equal parts of Gratitude with pleasing produce perched right at our urban doorstep. Closing the door on the refreshing downpoar that makes our pretty garden grow, we throw a log on the fire and blend ujp a juicy bit of easy to bite into Joy!

Supernaturally Tasty,


Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Soccer For Young Champions

Kaelin fearlessly flies through the sky to save one more ball. Twelve teamates twist and turn on the grassy knoll of a playing field. One cheering section comprised of coffee drinking parents and well intentioned vollenteers sit on the sidelines. The setting sun shines on a coach who interacts with his young proteges as only an involved proffession can. The smell of sweet success is felt in the invigorating chill of early Autumn air.

Saturday is the first game for the U-11's sporting navy knee - high's and smiles galore. Little boys breathing deeply as they move forward to an all - round team win. No matter what the outcome ... every brave heart is already a winner - in the highest sense!



Monday, October 9th, 2006

The Kind of Question For ThanksGiving

"Why do men fight?" Kaelin innocently queeries as he brushes his pearly white's while standing somewhat precariously on the bathtub ledge. Massaging his perfect little feet he looks deeply into my soul. Listening carefully to a wee wonder's concerns of the heart I consciously attempt to answer a question that should in all earnestness be directed at a not so great many.

Good thought!" I exclaim. "Men fight because of ego and false pride, originating from fear, insecuities, and thinking that they aren't or don't have and never will have enough". Satisfied, my sweet Son continues to happily slide his soles along the shiny painted porcelain. Between mouthfuls of naturally foaming toothpaste he looks at me with kind and loving eyes to Gratefully say "Thank You, Mommy".

I am Grateful.

With Love and Understanding,


Wednesday, October 4th, 2006

Waking Up

I wake up to a call from WAVA ( Women Against Violence Against Women ) comfirming next week's appointment leading up to my involvement in one very Empowering 25 week STAR program. The next message is from my talented painter friend, Venito, requesting my immediate help. Listening intently, my mind begins to race as my Heart reaches out ...

The B.C. Government has taken more of Our Children. A Native fisherman and his loving wife who live on the local reserve have lost their two babies. One more broken family. How absolutely unfortunate. Not to mention totally uneccesary!

Later, I speak to a homeschooling neighbour who recently enrolled her bright 7 year old daughter in Lifesong Homelearner's. At a cost of $450.00 a month - one Free Spririted pupil is taught by homelearning experts. Of course the government pays the schoolboard $6000.00 a year - per student - ( almost twice the amount ) to teach Children the approved government curriculum. Sounds fair to me.

I begin to sob as I recount to Laura a little of our own painful ordeal, leading up to Kaelin being legally 'removed' at the tender age of 8 for 7 traumatic months. "Well, you got him back, right?" I am nicely reminded. Oh, of course. A leap of Faith and "kissing white bureacratic ass" will get you everywhere in seemingly no time at all. Breathing deeply, I Kindly dole out words of Wisdom to one more well intentioned Mother on how to protect her Beloved Family during 'flu season' in order to keep compromised immune systems in check and further elevate already flailing spirits.

"I truly am a Hero" I remind myself as I wipe the tears that pour non stop from my eyes. Sadly realizing that most people will never be ready for my Knowledge. Preserving my Strength, I make a few inquiries on behalf of merely a couple more 'statistics' who have been stolen from their Parents and removed from all Earthly Love they've ever known.

I feel My World expand as I remind myself of my own Personal Values that I hold in the Highest Esteem. Fully Appreciating that whatever my next step may be ... it is always a move in the right direction!



Wednesday, September 25th, 2006

Keep Dream'n ..

Today's dream is of a Woman. A female psycholigist assuring me "I just want to touch your naked body". It felt fine with me. No threat. A compliment. No arousal. No upset. Used to being the object of many a desire ... male or female - I might be inclined to think I I should simply live on some Goddess Planet where females can willingly come and go. And others can visit and pay for the Pure Pleasure.

Like in Japan .... The Japanese pay a lot of $$$ to merely touch a strand of blonde hair. People love to plant themselves on foreign soil. Touch the hallowed grail. And sometimes, no matter what the dollar, they will dearly pay!

My nightmares are over,



I need no expensive books to understand my active sub-conscious ... constantly clearing to leave room for magically more. Fascinating just the same!


So start sending your contributions. Afterall, nothings worth losing a little hair over ...

Thursday, September 21st, 2007

September's Clearest Skies

One Supernatural sub-nuclear family sails past colourful community gardens filled with fresh corn, vine ripened tomatoes, juicy cucumber's, sweet apples and healing herbs; fennel, rosemary and basil. Biking under sparkling skies filled with Hope.Holding our Happy heads high we effortlessly reach for the heavens...

A water break brings us to stop and look at a few photo's ready for pick-up. Magical moments captured over 1 1/2 years ago. Visions of my lonely Son coming to visit his Beloved Mommy, before he finally came safely home to me in July 2005. Tears as I look upon my Beautiful Boy and I at play in the backyard hammock. Trusting eyes that were seldom permitted to rest upon the Trusted face he should never have been forced to leave. Pain wells up inside of me over a near to tragic 7 months spent apart from my favourity heartbeat that forever calls my name. Trust in the complete Knowing that vindictive broken heart's shall never have to Power to hurt us, ever again.

Our Greatest Mother; Nature fills us with the intoxication of her endless and Unconditional Love as we breathe in the Freedom that the moment brings. We are only as Free as our minds Allow. With Heart's fully open to the Magic that Joy bring us, we choose only look forward to an even Brighter Future!

Alive and Awake,



Yes, and what a bestseller it shall be!

Friday, September 15th, 2006 - later

No Mere Shadow Of My Former Self

"It's a holiday ..." my happy homeschooler sings. Tunes of the Black Eyed Peas play in the uncluttered head of my 10 year young Son. Laying myself upon the bed to write, I turn on Snatam Kaur's CD "Grace" and warm to the music that fills my heart and sends my soul soaring.

I look upon the business card I received this evening from Pat Copozzi, President of Nutrition Interactive Travelling up the street to the local Dan - D - Pak Market can be full of goodies ... "Katherine The Great!" one of the many Capazzi's that have made Vancouver their town, exclaimed with absolute surprise. Surely Friday night grocery shopping with his beautiful 14 year old daughter had never been such a treat.

"You look Great! Your slimmer" I was told. Yes, I had a very different lifestyle for more than a few years in Vancouver's wild mid to late 80's. Voluptuous Va Va Voom Gal! And now as one more fellow Vancouverite, I welcome new knowledge and the rebirthing of myself through creating a family of my very own.

On the way home I spied a large shadow across the street. Moving quickly, this large format version of what I surprisedly noted to be merely me, seemed to walk with utter ease. Under the brightened street lamp of one more divinely developing day I could see with newfound light. I am becoming even bigger and better in the highest sense of the unwritten word!

With Light and Love,


Friday, September 15th,2006 - earlier

Growing Pains

Biting into the biggest blackberry. Walking along the sundrenched railway tracks. Speaking up for myself at the local organic market. Acting as the official 2006 Role Model for my Son as I Speak My Voice on our behalf.

Nipping a misperception in the bud before a bigger bloom. Feeling better because I spoke up for what I Feel to be right. Knowing I did my Child one more Supernatural Service.

Yesterday was an intense day filled with pressure's exerted from outside sources. Today is the day I make this World My Own. Slowing down. Reaching Inside. Being The Best I Can Be!



September 11, 2006

As Far Reaching As My 3rd Eye Can See

Leah Faye is a passionately involved Mom, popular local astrologer and sparkling diamond of a personality.And she just happens to be a tremendously talented top notch saleswoman selling impressivive amounts of display advertising for Shared Vision Magazine .

With lovely Leah's guidance I am bouncing from the Community Pages this month to a full colour display ad in November. In addition I am maintaining free advertising space in their monthly events calendar, in order to spread the noteworthy news of my upcoming Supernatural Living Food Seminars - "Everything Under The Vancouver Sun".

Sounds like a Shared Vision to me!

All I can Envision,
Can't wait to see my Son's astrological birth chart that Leah has gifted us with. We just may end of having our very own personal Astrologer!

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

Moonshine In September

Bicycling in the Vancouver moonlight has to be a favourite fall delight. Sailing past strobing sprinklers. Breathing in the surreal beauty of city lights on one more of these unearthly calm, soul stirring nights.

Alone on the lonely sidewalks. Hardly a big boisterous car passes by us. One in a while a brightly painted bus advertising a world full of fuss we choose not to see. Alone with the quiet of our thoughts. Hearts open to the moment.

Gazing into this darkened blanket of diamonds that cover us. A brilliance before unknown. Trusting we are sent in the right direction. Our perfect path we continue to be brightly shown ...

With Brilliance,

Friday, September 8th, 2006

The Cleansing

Here comes the rain!

Running outside to quickly cover the 30 or so big brown boxes. Giggling with delight as the rain falls upon our freshly painted faces. One day we may surely unpack yesterday's life. For now we are content to merely protect a few material prizes.

Moving back inside to to turn off the lights. We listen to the sacred sounds of the heavens dropping upon our cottage roof. Hearing the rythm of a world we easily find. Staying afloat. Before civilization damned and Noah built his boat. The stuff men penning bibles once wrote.

Writing our own story we feel every space between each heavenly heartbeat. At every earthly juncture we slow down. Allowing Nature's consumate kindness to treat us to the eternal magic of a new world unfolding. Only sure of the one real and intangible Love we are safely holding ...


Thursday, Sept 7th, 2006

The Beginning of a Supernatural Day

Others may boast of bounding out of bed to grab a cup of decaf, run five miles, burn some toast and quickly drive the kids to work before putting in another ten grueling hours at the office. Yet, here at this Supernatural household we awaken to hug one another and offer our love, swallow back fresh squeezed lemon with water, drink a cup of living greens with SBO's ( soil based organism's ) and flip another batch of delicious dehydrator crackers. After Kaelin thoroughly washes and cleans the sticky flax covered trays, I put them to dry in the sun. Removing clothing from the washer I lovingly hang fresh smelling summer shorts to dry on the clothesline or precariously over a suntanned plant. A new day begins ...

My thoughtful Son reads on more classic fairytale from his much beloved book, "The Treasury of Virues" as I gratefully sit in a warmed corner of the prettily painted deck basking in the warmth that overflows in this Rawsome Life we so gladly call our blessed own.


Thursday, Sept 7th, 2006

Melons Anyone?

Many men may brag of "swallowing the hair of the dog" that "bit" them. A quick shot of 100% alchohol for whatever the seeming ailment ailment might be. A nice little fix of a bandage for a Now that's never realized. Nope. Don't be a dope. That's just not me!

It's nice when I can call my melons my own! Organic and locally grown. Packed with flavour and nutrition full blown. Phytonutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes entact. Supernaturally sound and tasting terrific. How's that?

Sweet and highly glygemic. Alkaline and perfectly PH balanced. A fruit to eat alone. A vegan raw smorgasbord unto it's delicious own.

Take twenty minutes to bite into any other juicy succulent after you devour the delights of the mighty melon. Allow your digestive juices time to digest. Enzymes immediately going to wondrous work, allowing your overworked organs to rest and fully function at their optimal best.

Here's to healing our sacred selves by the power of all beauty that Nature does bring. Allow life's Supernatural energies to heal your body and clear your mind. Newfound joy and happiness you shall so flavourfully find!

P.S. It is always important to ingest a little humour, don't you so fantastically feel?


Thursday, Sept 7th, 2006 Evening

Loving Mothers And Supernatural Children Hung To Dry

Licking juicy tomato seeds off my suntanned chin I open up the tall green gate to enter our cute little cottage. Before dipping into the dehydrater to dig up another sumptuous serving of fresh flax crackers, I spy my son hanging from the bar above the bathtub. Happily, he tell me"I'm supposed to hang for 30 seconds a day?" I gather my salad and run ...

Freshly picked peaches from Oliver are soon delivered by a couple of the cutest Tiawanese children from next door. Their Mommy earlier tasted a sampling from today's magical menu and may be attending our "Everything Under The Vancouver Sun" Living Food Seminar at The Vancouver School of Natural Nutrition this September 24th. More loving life lessons and a beauty of a fall equinox brunch. Sounds pretty peachy keen to me!

Soon we make a long distance call to Prince George to sing "Happy Birthday" to my own Dearest Mommy. A delicious day full of delight and daring. Motherly Love and Conscious Sharing.




Please call me at 604 - 677 - 1569 ( IJOY ) to purchase your yummy $50.00 ticket for 2-3 hours of Positive Attitude, Green Living and Goddess - Sent Gratitude!


Monday, September 4th, 2006

Never Just Black & White

"Why does Oprah have so many black women in her magazine? Couldn't you pretend your half black?"my inquisitive ten year old son inquires. Reading "O" in the Vancouver sunshine we've noted there's a contest where the lucky winner's win tickets for two to Oprah's show in Chicago. And what better ruse to get a well deserved holiday!

Perusing through glossy full colour pages of pretty clothes ad fascinating articles I quickly read a brief excerpt on the removal of breast implants and another page advertising the "Walk For Cancer" with a 'cancer victim' proudly standing with her shaved head and a smile. "Walking doesn't cure cancer!" one beautiful boy boldly observes. Laughing out loud, I wholeheardely agree.

Reading between the pages we hold hands as we open our hearts to lost souls and a world of many bright colours that all cast the same not so distant shadow as they shine loving rays from one bright and ever burning light.

Helping to Light The Way,


Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Love's Way

Kaelin and I sit under a big and beautiful tree. The sun touches our shoulders as my Son devours a plate of my freshly prepared dehydrated crackers with newly repened organic tomatoes from Klippers farm.

This afternnon I biked to Kerrisdale Community Centre to pick up my boy after his three hour claymation/animation class. "We were making race cars" he says while giving me a big hug" It was fun" he further adds. I smile. Tomorrow morning my child prodigy finishes his last art class of the week, before we drive up to Prince George to visit his ailing Grandma.

Earlier I spoke to my sweet niece Chantelle and she asked me to photograph her friends 2 week old baby. How exciting! I'll heal my Mother and document the beauty of one more life. How many more gifts could a loving heart ask for?

Soon we cycle downtown to breathe in healing negative ions from a breeze blown sea - sparkling with magic and adventure. Who knows where this one more journey shall lead us. We are one with Mother Nature. As long as our hearts are full we shall find our wonderful way home ...

In Love,


Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

Carniverous Connection

Kaelin devours more pages of The Encyclopedia of Big Cats, Bears and Whales. Tossing his freshly washed hair to the wind, he leans over to eagerly learn more about India's early 1900's flesh eating tigers that once killed 800 - 900 people per year. No wonder we are closer to herbivore's than omnivore's. Now, let's just leave those carvivore's alone!

This Peace loving Supernatural family sits quietely in our fragrant garden. Filling our smiling faces with sun - kissed local blueberries and the ripest 'melt in your mouth' marmalade coloured apricots from Klippers Farm. Our taste buds tingle with delicious anticipation as we consciously connect with Mother Nature and all her blessed creatures.



Monday, July 24th, 2006

Nectar of The Supernatural Gods

Kaelin masterfully blends up another batch of fresh organic blueberry and apricot smoothie's, thickened with ripe banana's and naturally sweetened with sundried dates. A creamy dollop of virgin cold pressed coconut oil served up into three most gorgeous glasses of goodness ... ready to gulp!

We share our deliciously satisfying living foods energizer with ever grateful Sir Antoni, our thirsty landlady, and one sweet next door neighbour nurse friend; Elaine. It's unanimous ... Rawsome Gold has once again been so beautifully unearthed. Definately one more Supernatural sure winner in everyone's up and coming RAW WORLD!

Forever Drinking - In Divinity,


Sunday, July 23d, 2006

Two Heart's Beat

Dearest dreamy eyed Nicole awakens refreshed after twelve hours of shut - eye caught during last night's sleep - over with Kaelin. One bright eyed six year old and her ten year young 'big brother' built a fort and giggled into the morn.

Later awakening to savour fresh organic fruit salad and happily pick flowers while walking hand and hand along the sunlit railway ties. Smiling at the buzzing bees and hugging friendly trees.

Finding an old lady's hours key on the sidewalk and spending money at the neighbourhood bank. Stopping to pose for a fun photograph in a pair of pretty sandals and one bigger broken shoe.

Delightful innocent Children along for Love's Eternal ride. Earthly Angel's - come out to play - Joy has nowhere to hide!

With Eyes Inside My Heart,

Love Katherine

Saturday, July 22nd, 2006

Trout Lake

Off to Trout Lake to trade rawome goodies with Bonnie of Lowland Farms for fresh flowers, and bundlesof fresh herbs. Kaelin's darling friend Nicole and her impish cousin Hugo play in the warm afternoon sun and sit happily on the grass.

Seven bunches of crunchy Kale from Forstbaur Farm - enough to last until next Wednesday's upcoming market. Snapp'n green peas and hot peppers from sweetheart Anne Marie at Klippers. Armfuls of gorgeous greens that genereously grow forth from Gaia's plentiful garden. A giggling bunch of bouncing babes - well fed and familiar with the many faces of Love. This is Life!

With Light,


Friday, July 21st, 2006

Tender Bites

Newly laid linoleum in my wee corner of a kitchen. Kat's Hot Flax Crax dehydrating. Hot sun flooding through cottage windows. Organic lemon plant growing on our pretty brown deck. Dainty butterfly landing lightly upon a lonely rose petal. My darling Son kissing me sweetly on the cheek.

The end of one more fulfilling week. The beginning of all things Brave, Bold and even more Beautiful ...

With all seeing eyes,


Thursday, July 20th, 2006

Conscious Nutrition

It is the raw cranberry coconut biscotti boasting a delicious crunch Kaelin and I fondly remember as one of our favourite dessert treats often purchased after a meal of "I'll have everything!" at the Raw Cafe on West 2nd Avenue. "Whatever happened to them, anyway?" Wind asked me during today's telephone conversation. I told her "They closed down. Not one raw restaurant or food bar, anywhere in Vancouver". And, promptly inquired "So how may I purchase some of your hemp filled goodies?"
Not only are Wind's wonderfully tasty tidbits and power health bars available in health food stores, so are her many assorted protein packed and EFA laden Ancient Harvest products,Talk about cultivating a conscious society!

Hemp, Hemp, Hooray!!!



P.S. Wind In Motion enterprises is soon hitting the 'not to hot' market with a Raw cookbook featuring one more Rawsome chef's yummy creations. See you at the book signing ...

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

Pink Slippers And A Smoothie

Slipping into my worn pink designer slippers that Kaelin continually borrows, I sit down to sip super antioxidant rich Tanabata organic green tea. And I begin to reminisce over the remnants of my delightful day...

A few flavour packed hours spent with my up - rising son at the local Farmers Market; sampling honey, speaking with pregnant women bursting with promise and exchanging living food chef services for potted herbs galore. Munching on zuchinni flowers and sharing edible rose petals. Making new contacts and co-creating a conscious community.

Coming home to a newly fitted shiny white bathtub and repaired osterizer. Two tall Supernatural smoothies full of fresh Chilliwack blueberries and Okanogan apricots. Borrowing an extra dehydrator from my landlady. Combining three large bowls of soaked flax with chopped garlic, onion and herbs of every farm fresh variety.

Barely containing my excitement over the Feast of Fields I am ever yet preparing for Sunday's upcoming potluck and 'ready to go' goodies; packaged, and ready to Supernaturally Go...!

Tenderly tucking my precious boy into bed after his daily twenty affirmations. Accidently using Kaelin's good toothbruch on the scary kitchen sink plug. Laughing at the myriad of magical moments found strewn along the pure and peaceful path of day.

I am tired and know the sun shall soon rise. Yet I am fulfilled in the deepes and most meaningful ways. What a sonderful life. What a Loving and Brave New World. Bless you all!



Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

Ripe On The Vine

Early in the heated afternoon my thoughtful neighbour, Elaine divulges a more than fair price for organic blueberries at a pristine patch on the sunny plains of Richmond. I later talk to her friend, Mrs. Kong, visiting from Chine, who 'sees blue' for ten hours a day, with the help of her Mom and one other family member, who helps to pick up to 100 pounds of baby blue's a day - "except in the rain". Treating the tender morsels with the utmost of care... Not even chlorine comtaminated tap water is rinsed over only the Best Of The Blues. Beautiful!

A little later, a delightfully charming young woman of 86 years opens up her garden gate to welcome us inside for a large teacup of divine blood red droplets of heaven on the vine. Winnie is housesitting for her daughter and cleaning up after her homeschooling grandchildren, who are away on holidays. Due to her own health issues, antioxidant rich raspberries have no sumptuous say on her dietary plan. Shame. Well, more for us...

Into the evening I realize I've misssed one more gym workout, after speaking to a feisty full bodied and hot blooded Italian momma and her retired police officer husband, in the safe confines of our back lane. We cover the rawsome chart on topics of conversation, since I'm the band leader on this family affair of the heart. And all because this lovely couple initiated the conversation with complimentary commentary concerning how I look like I am "22 years old from behind" and how I have "no lines or wrinkles". Both deciding I look like Kim Bassinger. Graciously, I replied "Thank you and Kim thanks you, too!" We all laughed.

Kaelin plays contentedly with the neighbour kids and I breathe in fresh air as I walk serenely along the overgrown railway ties, finally on my way to purchase fresh organic produce for our dinner and a raw vega bar ( I am not sharing this one ... ) just for me. Biting into cocoa beans To Live For - all I can do is Smile With Pure Delight over new friends and the Rawsome World I am able to so easily and effortlessly share with so marvelous many!



Monday, July 17th, 2006

No Starving Artist

My seemingly long lost friend, Jacques Lalonde;one beyond versatile comic entertainer and talented writer of Dr. Seuss style children story books, phoned me with good news - an illustrator has been found!

This well known Vancouver actor who once played the much publicized part of Chretein to sold out audiences, and raised his lip as others raised nary a brow, asked to meet up with me to discuss the distinct possibility of a far from sacred and hopefully closer to sacreligious on stage pairing. My extensive background in the wondrous ways of the wit may soon be put to even greater use. Mmmm ... sounds like a beautiful balance I may just divinely desire!



Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Supernatural Summer

Kaelin reads one of his favourite books of poetry - Shel Silvertein's "Falling Up". We giggle at the silly verses that make so much sense, especially in this upside down world we so wonderously inhabit.

I carefully peruse through The Recreational Guide for local Vancouver Community Centre's, looking for suitable classes for my ever enthusiastic Son. At juicy intervals we slurp back organic watermelon as we continue to laugh at whimsical rhyming couplets. Further outliniing a stimulating and fun plan for anther Supernatural Summer!



Saturday, July 15th, 2006

Garden Of Delights

Gobbling the juciest watermelon, munching the crunchiest apples and drinking glass after glass of fresh purified water is what a heat wave of a hot summer day compells ever awakening sense to do ...

Talented webmaster Peter can't believe the number of sweet Braeburn's Kaelin brought home this afternoon. Enough natural fruit sugar ( fructose ) to pedal around that school yard for hours! And that doesn't even include our favourite moister than moist hemp seed nut. Enough protien to build muscle on a long, lean, string bean of a bellydancing ten year old!

Post photography shoot in the flowers, I now relax ... after savouring a plate of purle kale smothered in rosy vine ripened tomatoes, green onions, and delicious dill weed. Holy Goddess - does this Supernatural Model Of Health And Personal Happiness know what Tastes Great - and is even Geater for Her and Hers!



Friday, July 14th, 2006

Sweet Fruits Of Labour

Supernatural Surprise! My Dear Rawfooder friend whom turned 52 fit years young, yesterday, just comfirmed he'll be a Real Alive Daddy in January 2007. Congratulations - I knew you had it in you - now she does ... ( couldn't resist! ).

"You're going to have to sometime explain how a Man can get pregnant?" my ten year old Boy ever so brightly beams. "Sweetheart, when I congratulate Gary on 'his pregnancy', that is because this is his first Baby and even though he's not literally 'carrying it' - those Sweet Fruit's of Labour are a Gift for both Blessed parties to unopen. Kaelin seems to Accept this explanation, for now ...

"What will 'it' be? What will it be?" my curious Kaelin enthusiastically inquires, over and over ... "Give it 'time', Sweetheart. We shall all find out in due ( pardon the pregant pun ) time". My big Babe is satisfied, for awhile...

Congratulations Donna and Gary and Baby Beatiful. For whativer happens in this upcoming broad expanse of an endlessly unwinding future, there is one thing I know for sure -Your soon to be bouncing baby was marvelously meant to so Magically Be!!!

With the Purest Prayers,

Love Katherine

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

Stiff Muscles And Nary a Nut

Holy Gluteul's! Yesterday's one hour weight workout, after a two week heatis certainly created a few stiff muscles. A mere intense 35 minute workout, consisting of inverted leg press, dumbell lunges, leg extension and leg curls payed of "to the max" and now I'm pay'n for it!

Sweeping a biodegradable mountain of walnuts from the hardwood floor, I hope I will not ultimately be 'forced' to bend over ... Barely containing a painful yet 'feel so good' sigh, I watch my dear Son gleefully hammer one more shell wide open. Considering there is still another spilled bag lying upon the laundry closet floor, I remind myself that I am Blessed.

I remember the genereous bible thumping Christian couple from the Fraser Valley, whom last year prayef for the safe return of my boy to me ... Close to one year later, the praying pair thougjhtfully dropped of four big brown paper bags full of hazelnuts and walnuts from their own unsprayed Chilliwack trees. Enough to send a since returned Son and his Grateful Mom to bended knees!

Today, I worked upper body on the weights and tomorrow I'll dance on my newly installed ( thanks to Sir Antoni ) parkay flooring, with nary a naughty nut undertoe. Sore muscles, full tummy and an overflowing heart shall surely keep me toned, well fed and infinitely happy!



Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

Life's Affirmation

Walking in a summer rain, under a waning moon, is a a most sensual experience. My every single sense; keenly alive, I am energized by a force field of negative ions.Creating the most positively Life Affirming energies...

Fresh vine ripened raspberries washed clean by merciful tears from fogiving heavens. Bright green blades of garden grass under my sure feet. Shiny spider webs that glisten with refelective light. In awe of every powerful surge of sumptuousness that greets me, I give plentiful thanks to a universe that supremely supports us all!



Monday, July 10th, 2006

Bunny The Human Boxer

"Why do you call her 'Bunny'?" I ask the lovely Asian lady walking her 7 year old beautiful AJ Bocer. "Because he look like a Bunny!" she explains with a giggle. Big, brown bulging eyes full of Love and a tongue that licks my face tell me her lovable dog is long on affection. Yet, I wisely decide not to feed her a piece of lettuce or lock her in an undersized cage. Instead, allowing her to nibble on our last sacred piece of raw bar we had just about devoured. Soon after, I receive the most extraordinary doggie hug I've ever had the pleasure to experience. "She doesn't like other dogs. She thinks she's a human." one knowing doggie diva divulges.

Kaelin and I have petted a lot of pooches and have never experienced such Unconditional Love" I gleefully one proud canine owner. I wrap my open arms around Bunny as she stands up on her toned hind haunches, to literally hug me. "Oh, her brother died a few months ago. She really misses him" my new furry freind's mistress imforms me. "How fascinating" I reply. "I was just writing a tribute to my freind who recently passed away. She must know ... " I eagerly vollunteer. We both smile and as Kaelin appreciatively pets his accepting pas, together we commune in silent appreciation.

With Hugn and Happiness,


Sunday, July 9th, 2006

Playmates Forever

Our single Daddy friend, Dwayne, brings over his delightful daughter, Nicole to visit for four fun filled hours. Kaelin and one rosy cheeked lass make a red satin roofed fort in the living room. "I'm going to marry you!" the bubbly babe repeats to my beautiful boy. What a blast!

Looking at lady bugs, eating fresh fruit salad and playing with Halloween decoration are merely a few of the summertime thrills that brightly bring one more day of uplifting joy to one giggling Girl and my sweet soul of an ever awakening Son.



Friday, June 7th, 2006

Simple Pleasure's

Kaelin plays socceer in the heated sun while I further warm my heart within the pages of my trusted journal. Focusing on the Joy my boy brings me and the ever expanding Conscious circle we are co-creating adds a heightened sense of Excitement to my Wonderful world.

Our friend Kass shall soon come by to pick up another Rawsome repast created by Katherine and Kaelin in our cozy cottage kitchen. Afterwards we shall it ourselves down on the patio to admire pretty flowers, enjoy delicious food and fully open our Happy hearts.

Feels Good to me!


Katherine Marion

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

Cancer Blessing in Summer's Splendour

I cry for what seems the longest while, after speaking to Wayne's soul friend; a woman whom I've yet the good fortune to meet. One lovely lady has been been thoughtfully speaking to me for the past 1 1/2 hours, concerning the passing of a dear heart and valued client. As only true sister's may affirm, we honour a kind man, whose pure yet no longer pounding heart, shall be so dearly missed.

Judy tells me that Wayne's memorial will take place this midmonth and after the celebration there will be a potluck lunch. I know that I shall write a telling poem to recite as tribute in his loving memory. Serving love upon a heaping platter that would surely please even the palate of a man who's earthly appetitie's remain no longer.

Wiping my newly opened eyes, I realize that even though one more beautiful spirit's body lives no more, at least his cancer shall now go unfed. My only duty is to feed new friends and offer my highest tribute to one more broken heart, finally set free.

Walking towards the bedroom, I choose to lay upon my prettily made bed. Silently, forgiving myself for not being there in Wayne's last earthly hours, I continue to count my many blessings.And, before closing tired eyes, I remember to wrap one more wondrous Angel in white light - that far too soon bid this world his brave good night!

With Great Gorgeous Gusts of Gratitude,

Love Katherine

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

Alive 'n Loving It!

Sigfreid Gertz - founder of Alive Magazing and owner of Alpha Health Products gererously shared a wealth of vital imformation this many splendoured afternoon. Revealing a few Rawsome recipes of his own, one wise health guru with a vast array of business accumen imparted infinite wisdom with the patience of an impassioned elder who still travels the healing road and has tasted many a morsel of success at divinities open door.

Before marvelous month's end I will be acquiring a GreenStar juicer from Alpha Health's local Burnaby office. My Rawsome Potluck partygoer's at my July 23d Life Enhancing event shall whet their wondrous raw food appetites on juiced wheatgrass and feast on delicious unpastuerized organic nut butters, all created from the same miracle of a slainless steel magnetically powered machine. Ingenously included is an extra attachment that even makes spaghetti!

Kat's Hot Flax Crax deydrated at below 118 degrees ( gotta keep those enymes intact ... ) in the dehydrator and an appetizing assortment of gorious greens picked fresh from the fields ( Klippers Farm ) and purchased at the West End Farmers Market shall artfully round off a colourful and consciousness raising repast of RawStruck ideas and culinary delights fabulously come to Rawk'n rest!

All of life's bountiful beautiies and only the very best to Genius Innovator's and their earth bound Blessings. Thanks for the delicious Inspiration!

Katherine Marion

Tuesday, July 4th, 2006

Mother's Moon

Biking across the Burrard Bridge, we feast our eager eyes upon a half orange marvel of a magical moon, looming low in a clear evening sky. Screaming with delight at the glory of this perfect summer's night, we move at an increasing clip towards home.

After 2 1/2 hours of steady biking throughout the day, Kaelin and I sit down to heaping helpings of organic salads, replete with freshly plucked oregano and liberal sprinklings of sprouted sunflower seeds. Our hearts are still racing as we raveneously dig into Nature's divine rewards for a day well spent. Soon our evening prayers shall be put forth for all our Guardian Angels, Gods, and Goddess' above.

To dream ... only of a world filled with Love!

Katherine Marion

Sunday, Nov 7th, 2004
Matriarchy Rules
The typically Upbeat goateed Male and absorbed dark haired Female posted for guard duty, at the upstairs front desk, didn't even Choose to raise their heads to acknowledge My late evening arrival. I dutifully signed in, as one more barely legible scribble on a counter top note pad. Every Sunday eve, for ' Winter hours ' the West End Community Centre is open solely for ' Women Only' night. And, do We of the Female Species, ever Appreciate this extra 1 1/2 hours allotted specifically  for Ourselves. Time for everyone of Us to Remind the Devoted Deva / CareGiver / Nurturer , whom Resides within each Blessed One of Us, who Really Counts. A Slow, Rhythmic  Pace where Perfection is in the Moment and everything and everyone else - stands Still.
Upon lifting up my tear - stained Face, and pulling my shoulder's back, I was greeted by an Intensely Observant and Compassionate Feline Fitness Instructor, Guiding another Woman through the elementary paces. I was Given a Cheerful "Hello" from this Athlete Friend  who's been to locker room 'Hell' and back ... within her own lack of a Comforting Personal Life and what her tormented Body has been systematically forced through. Yet, she Keeps on Loving, Learning and Healing. As she Patiently showed her Studious Student how to Successfully complete a series of Exercises on The big blue ball, I Gratefully laid  My War Torn Self upon the dusty mats,Luxuriated in some Tranquil  Moments Alone, and Cleared my Mind of another sad Soul's far from Divine debris ...
On the way outside, after skipping down the dimly lit stairwell, which doesn't  smell too strongly of urine, upon this particular occasion, a Lovely Red Headed ( they are all Wild! ) School Teacher and I begin to talk about the other younger  Woman's apparent lack of Empathy. Then, quickly Accelerating  Forward ... to discuss the common role of Women as Mother's and Teacher's. We quickly forget the distain of the little lost lady that has finally left the near to empty building, to drive home, with Her hapless Smile, never  to be Found. Discussing Goddess' and a Matriarchal Society that once really did Reign Supreme, we Warmly Embrace  one another with a Renewed Fervour. After many loud and Deeply Rejuvenating belly Laughs, we Awaken,  Refreshed. Now, to  carry on with our Respective Lives, Refreshed and Rejuvenated.
There's nothing more draining than another 'Sister' attempting ( whether unconsciously or not ) to obliterate another's view of a Clearing in the Sky. Sad to say, most of The Sisterhood Today, can expect a few too many high Male Testosterone levels flooding over our Normally Calm Equilibrium, that we often work so hard to keep in some Kind of Healthy frame of reference. Yet, another Sister, disrupting The Flow of Feminine Powers, is Immensely disturbing,  to say the least. So, I shall. And, Instead, I do indeed,  tout the Tale of a Time that will again, Re - Invent itself ... A World where Wombs are duly Granted Gargantuan Goddess Precedence and Men and Women are Reborn to further Know and Unconditionally Love Themselves.
With Knowing and a Growing Sense of Innate Wisdom,
Love Goddess K

Saturday, Nov 6th 2004

Magical Mirrors of Motherhood 
Single Mother's have so much to Offer this society. We have travelled a million Light years. Learning to look after our Precious Children has taught us to finally Love Ourselves. This often hurting World has so much to Learn from those of us whom have been virtually forced to dig deeper than the typical distant Dad By Protecting our Beloved's from that which is not necessary to endure, in this, or any other Lifetime, we had immeasurably added Caring and Compassion to the long forgotten equation of Self Preservation and Self Sustainment.
No Flower can grow in a pot without Sun. No one singular person can look after another, until Learning to firstly Appreciate and Respect themselves. It takes more than a daily feeding of water to be Adequately Nourished and Well Fed. Comfort and Joy are Essential Elements necessary to Sustain a Living, Breathing Being. Within a black box, nothing is Permitted to ever enter. Freedom is Vital for any New and Exotic Species to Flourish and Grow to Full and Majestic Realms. This is Nature's Truth.
A Woman must Allow herself to Listen to her Inner Voice. Mother Earth Softly calls out to Us. Gently and Gorgeously, she sways to the Ecstatic Rhythm of Our Own Heartbeat. Hearing our Prayers and Affirmations, Gaia Greets us at her Divine Door. We look within and we Find Her, as Resplendent as any Star in a Sparkling Sky could ever Magnificently Be. Shining Brightly upon Us. Blessed Be.
Looking upon her Sensual Beauty is a Feast for the Savouring Senses. We bathe in the Glow of her Moonlight Essence as we stretch our self imposed limitations. Reaching out and upwards ... to Touch a Piece of Heaven we thought we had lost. Tears spill forth from Our Open Eyes as we Feel The Pulse of our Renewed Self. Embracing the Sanctity of Sacred Soul we Fly with Wings of Angels - Now Whole.
Little Boys can turn into Real Men. Wee Babettes will become Empowered Women. With the Consummate Tenderness and Patience of a Revered Goddess, We are able to Reach Beyond societies sanctioning boundaries. By Remembering who we Are and All We were ever Meant to Be, is to Know how to raise our Children to do the same. Every candle looks alike in the dark. It is within the Everlasting Light of a renewed and refreshed day that we are able to Create Healthier Mirrors.
May you Be Infinitely Guided by The Love that Blossoms inside of You. Watch for Goddess - Sent Signs along your Path of Purity and Purpose. Expect only the Best and you Shall Forever Be Protected by Sister Moon as she casts her Moonbeams to Safely Guide you upon your Splendid Way.Fear no darkness for it is merely the shadow that needs the Light. Emanate Pure Energy wherever your Spirit does Truthfully Travel. Trust that tomorrow is done.
Consciously Awaken to ever New Moment. Take the iridescent Silver reigns and hold on tight. Let Go of all that does not serve your Highest Self. Fill your Heart with the Purest White Light and ride with Fairies through the Golden Dust. Taking the Brave and Bold Action of one's Inner  Innocent  Girl or Boy. Now, Trust that you are Singularly Creating a Future filled with Joy!
Soaring into  Supernatural Sisterhood,
Love Katherine
This Enchanted Eve, I Am Greatly Inspired to Gratefully Write this Stream of Consciousness. Thanks to 2 Individual Single Mom's whom I spoke with upon this Wet and swollen Vancouver Day. One whom has just recently 'lost' her Mom and Darling Grandma to her Delightful 3 1/2 year young Daughter. The other Female Counterpart Graciously gave Birth to My Son's Best Friend, almost 6 Holy calendar years, ago. She barely endured having  him 'taken away' for too many crying Sisterly Moons  ... Eventually, after 4 or so painstaking years, he was 'returned ', and ultimately, with her Own Mother's Understanding, Support and Assistance, is mending the pieces of the Once broken mirror. Bravo, Sisters!

Monday, November 1st, 2004

The Emboldened Truth In an Eggshell
"What are you thinking about Mommy?", my inquiring Wonder of a wee mind, constantly at my Supernatural side, decides to ask Me. As I slurp back one more Sparkling Ruby of a Pomegranate Seed, I immediately answer, " Oh, I was just Wondering whether I Am foremostly a Raw Fooder or a Writer?" Kaelin attentively listens, before adding a fearless "I don't Know" to the juicy equation. I continue to nibble on the Ruby Red Reminders of Life and the Infinity of all Love has to so Deliciously Offer, before further venturing into even Tastier territory ...
" What came first? The Writer or the Raw Fooder?", I Solemnly ask the Universe, aloud. The Bold little Boy at the cuisinart, next to me, Boldly states, " Just like - What came first? The chicken or the Egg?". I Laughinlgy replied, "Yes". Then, asking, "What do you think came first?" "The Egg!" Kaelin said, without further pause or Rawsome refrain. "I Agree!" I exclaimed. "Although, many others would have unconscious Cause to think it was the other way around". We both nodded in Understanding, as we Enjoyed our High Enzyme snacks, on a rain splattered quiet Monday afternoon.
I have been Writing since I was my Son's Eager age - 8. My first Poetry, I kept Safely tucked away in my bedroom dresser. When My Mom finally decided to leave my Dad, I was 13 , and the youngest of My 4 siblings was also the Tender Age of my Son. I sometimes like to Fondly reminisce, "My Mother took the Children and my Dad kept the house and furniture". Unfortunately, very possibly, on a drunken binge and self pitying rage, he gave away the Porcelain Dolls from Beloved Nana and burned my Priceless Poetry.
I used to collect and paste Appetizing Recipes in a thick, unlined school exercise book. How I Loved to gather up all those Yummy Foods and store them away, even if only on paper. I was the one in my Family to receive the betty crocker easy - bake oven. How I Loved that plug - in baby blue contraption. Even though I Now only use my stove as a storage unit for recyclable  plastic bags, I still Fondly Remember that cavity causing Coconut fudge frosting I used to slather all over my mini cakes. Sometimes, I would even pass my salivating Sisters and bothersome Brother a slice. Alright, not that often!
I have since Graduated from too many GMO seasoned and over salted lifeless chunks of dead, hormone infected 'shake 'n bake' pork chops, so Lovingly prepared by my unknowing, yet, Well Intentioned  Mother. Fortunate to say, even the artificially flavoured and chemically altered crunchy macaroon cookies my Grandma and I used to Gleefully eat in bed, are merely crumbs from misinformed Care - Givers I have finally left behind. 
My Mom is Alive and not so Well, along with the remnants of a far from Raw or Real Family I ventured to Believe I once had, belonged to, or was a not always so Wonderful member of. We no longer 'spend the Holidays' with Cousins, Nieces, Aunts or Uncles. Our Appetites have changed, Appropriately. What was before so Appealing has turned into something close to appalling. As My Mother ages, at an accelerated rate, while puffing on one more deadly cigarette, one more overweight Sister brings her cheap sugar laden chocolates, to eat as a diabetes causing Present, after an overcooked institutionalized, 'nutritionist recommended diet". Ah, endless, tasteless Gifts of Love - to die for!
A lot of people go Raw because that o'l church cross just happened to get a little to heavy to bear. The Safe Circle became an X, and soon it is high time to join another group of obsessive/compulsives looking for a readily available  Answer - that shall never be Found in the outside World. One more 'fix' for the easily fixated. One more dehydrated french fry to fret over and flatten at below 115 degrees. One more salted or Honey sweetened pill to again, bitterly swallow ...
To be Truly Rawsome , one must Radiate an Inner Calmness. A Knowing that permeates All and everything. A Sanctity that Rises above the insanity that has so sadly grown to be an accepted part of today's 'vitamin Enriched" lack lustre Lives. For those whom Wish to  dig further ... far beyond the mold infested Organic Cereal boxes that line the Carefully labelled shelves of their hidden unconsciousness, they will find the Truth. For there is only one - Mine!
We must all walk our wounded way. For some, the Light Shines a little Brighter. Most will unwillingly Feel that Illuminating Brightness, and sadly still Allow fear to displace Trust and Inner Instincts. There are Womanifold Treasures to be gleaned for those few and far between who Choose to venture where only a Pioneering Spirit and a searching Soul may ever Lead. This is why I Proudly Pronounce, " Go Raw. Get Real. I Am!"
I was Born Raw ( no petri dish Pregnancy, was I ). Most of us were fed through our Pal, the Placenta, and then fed the Nurturing Milk of our Mothers. Too soon, we were force fed - cooked food, because one more Concerned person was educated on  the archaic and preposterous properties of 'The 4 Food Groups". To drink the milk of a Cow , another species other than our Own,  is most unnatural and aberrant. To Vibrate and Resonate with Nature is Simply All we are meant to Be. Raw is the only road to travel ... And, a lot more Fun and less tedious, too.
Thus, I must arrive at the Conscious Conclusion that I Am First and Foremostly RAW. And, every Divine and Delicious Delicious turn I make, was made because of the first unconscious Pre - Invitro Urgings. With my Newly Refined  Senses and Raw - Felt Feelings I Am Forever Revealing and Sharing, I have since become a Writer. "What came first" The Chicken or the Egg?" you might Wisely inquire. Well, take a Big, Bold and Beautiful First Breath ... and Find out for your Raw Struck Self!
The "old Egg" my Female doctor astutely declared might not carry through to full term pregnancy, brings me a slice of Fresh, Organic Okanogan Apple. Together, we Enthusiastically Bite into The Juicy Splendour that our Rawsome Choices Gently Afford Us. We Marvel at the Resplendent Rosiness of the Fresh Fruit that we Hold within our Grateful hands, and we Give Thanks. As is the unborn Soul  of the Seed, so are We. Blessed Be the Bountiful Fruit upon the Tree. As far as we Yummily climb upwards ... to so Succulently See!
Katherine A. Marion

Sunday, October 10th, 2004

The Giving of Raw - Felt Thanks

The Sun shone with Brilliance, between a closely hovering blanket of
cloud cover quickly drifting in from the North Shore. Beginning at the
Brightest and most Loving part of Coal Harbour, we jump upon our Trusty
Bikes, pedalling over the Georgia Street via - duct, and continuing to
head Happily Eastwards. Following the overhead tracks of the snaking
skytrain, we race one another, upon the often littered sidewalks and
underneath the falling Autumn leaves, until we end up in the Raw and
Pulsating Heart of Little Italy. Arriving at 1111 Commercial, we park
our rusty metal Marvels in front of The Living Source ( ) Cafe and we Know we are Home!

Today is our last Sunday Living Food Chef Workshop with Chris Iverson of
The Raw Temple ( ). We dig into Colourful plates Full
of Freshly prepared ( last weekend's prep work ) Kim Chee ( fermented
purple cabbage with the sweetest hint of a twang ) and layers of
Luscious Vegan Lasagne with Seed Cheese. And, later for a most Decadent
Dessert, our favourite Danish Delight prepared the most Delicious
Coconut Chocolate ( the Real and Raw stuff - caffeine inclusive ) Mouse
( antler Free ) Cake, that we Eagerly ate up, after a couple of cooling
hours spent in the freezer ( the desert, not us ). Two little Boys
hungrily licked the spatula and a Beautifully splattered blender, as a
room full of restless adults, Remembered their Childhood addiction and
salivated as they fantasized about being a mere 4' high,again!

Then, came the 4 page quiz. Every Racing Pulse and Well Fed Chocoholic
in that Tasty room, Safely tucked behind The Melting Point, passed,
with flying Chakra Colours. And, even Kaelin received his Raw Chef
Certificate to hang on the wall of our Raw Kitchen, where he regularly
concocts New and Original Rawsome Fruit Popsicles ( with ripe Banana
chunks) and dips all ten ( not at one time ) busy fingers into one more
Chunky Carob Mud Pie. Teach's first group of 25 Raw and Raving Chef's
Graduated in Amsterdam, where he held his first Success Story of a
Rawk'n Workshop. Today, nearly as many Wetted ( yet, never quite
satiated ) Appetites from Vancouver, The Sunshine Coast, and Gulf
Islands, climb the Raw Struck ladle, up the successively Succulent
ladder to next Spring's Raw Temple Advanced Living Chef's Workshop.

I can Sincerely say that no one in that Raw - Struck Room Wished to
depart the most Delectable Co - Creative 'confines' of a World filled
with layer upon layer of Love. A Real Live Dream filled with Hope.
Within a New and Sacred Age, where there are no Secrets, and True
Chocolate is not and never was a Sin. A place where Truly the Brave
inhabit the Earth. Children can roam and Play in Peace, will giggling to
their Fabulously Full Hearted Content. And, Pretty Planets and Happy
People place Trust in their Instincts, as they dive in, up to their no
longer bulging bellies, towards a Future where 'cooked ' is a word of
the past. May all Flavours Lusciously Last and Fellow Wo - Man Live a
Long and Enzyme Packed Version of venison - less Perfected Life!

With an Open and Marvelling Mind,

Love Katherine

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all the Wonderful People we have Proudly
met and are soon to Marvellously Meet ( Vegan Dictionary spelling )!


Saturday, October 3rd, 2004

Purely The Raw Truth

Purification, Rebuilding, and Rejuvenation is enough to PRRR ... over, wouldn't you so Awesomely agree? At today's Consciousness Raising class with ' cutting edge' course material fed by Chris Iverson ( ), we discussed reaching Homeostasis, a Complete Renewal of cells every 7 years, ' Healing crisis', Intestinal Cleanses, enemas, fasting, food cravings, parasites and candidiasis. We prepared Kim Chee ( full of Supernaturally occurring Pro - Biotic's ), ate too many Yogi Bars ( made with Sprouted Buckwheat, Sun Seeds, Raisins, and more ... ), and basked under a Loving Sun, upon a balcony filled with the Sweet Aroma of potted Baby Green Tomatoes and Fresh Basil, at Vancouver's First and Foremost "100% Raw Cafe" : The Living Source.

Twenty two sets of avid pupils dilated under the Divine Instruction of a Young Man who is a Pioneer in this Rawsome World where ' one and all ' have the ' Golden Opportunity ' to be their own Self ' Divining Rods' . Choosing to so Lusciously Live 'outside the box' in order to Create a New Reality can be a Most Powerful and Potent Elixir. Making a Positive Change upon this Planet must Assuredly firstly come from Within. Could definitely be why a room full of Raw Enthusiast licked their chops ( no cooked red meat pun intended ) as they eyed up Raw Nut ' Burgers' with Homemade 'catsup' and 'mayonnaise' . While taking notes and trying not to twitch in their seats, comrades in a Raw Revolution leaned forward, ears pricked and taste - buds taunted, after one more 7 hour day of Tasty Tutelage, led by a Teacher with a Taste for that which is Wondrously Pure and Simple.

With Rawk'n Spirit,

Love Katherine


See you next Sat for more Sumptuous Goddess - sent Goodies!

Monday, September 27th, 2004
5:05 a.m.

No Sleep for the Well Fed

I can't Believe it! Or, can I? After over three Thoughtful hours spent scrunching over an artificially lit computer screen, I have typed up one Sweet and Rawsome Dream ...
Who knows when the urge will come upon one when Well Fed and Filled with Wonder. You never can tell when a Heavenly Bite of Raw Struck Writing will Clean the palate, Cleanse the Soul and make all the pieces come together - to form One Whole!

It always Feels so Good and Tastes even Better ... to Give a Gift back where it is always Deserved. Especially if it is right back at The Just Desserts and other Divine Delectables of Consciousness Living Foods Certification Leader - Chris Iversen of The Living Source Cafe on Commercial. I can't wait until I develop and print the film from this past Sunday's Yummy Workshop. Veritable Delectable Visions of my Wee Wonder Chef and I ... slurping chipote pepper spiked soup and smack'n our smoochable lips over one more Luscious lick of Coconut Banana Cream Pie. What a Fortunate couple of teasable tasters - are Kaelin and I.

And, just when I was getting my hours ' back on track '. Oh, bother, when did a steam engine puffing forth the Truth - ever slow down to Rest?

With Dreams of all that is Delicious and Divine,

Love Katherine and Mine

P.S.Watch for my article - " Living Through The Source " . Bon Appetite!


Sunday, September 26th, 2004,

Under a Full Mother Moon

Living Through Source

Self Sustainability, Permaculture and the most Consciousness Raising Calzone's this side of a new and Rawsome Reality. A class of 18 Conscientious Compadre's climbing the same Rawk'n road marked by crushed Chipote Peppers, Celtic Salt, Sun dried Tomatoes, firmly placed between soaked and dehydrated Buckwheat babies.
A roomful of Awakening Souls, soaking up New Knowledge and Ancient Wisdom, as they open their Hearts and fill their hungry bellies. The Raw Revival is on!

Forming a Co - Creative Collective is comparable to how a Child named Chucky, and another called Christine, begin to Individually make a sandcastle in the sand. A little bit of Nature - Pure and Pristine. One Shared Sun streaked Dream. A lotta muck'n around ... And, Ole! Right in front of you, there is a Whole beachfront of near naked Truth Tellers, baring their belly buttons, utilizing their God Given Imagination, and Embracing all the Supernatural Power that has always been and Forever shall Be : Innately One's Own. Before a 'dirt' splattered muddied monster can holler " Mud Pie", there's a Caring Community of Parents, Grandparents, and barking Puppies chipping in to fill in the gaping holes of the once quickly eroding Castle Walls.

All it takes is a little time to Listen. And, lots of Space to Play. The seeds of Life can be re - planted. It's already happening. So what if it takes more than a day. Can you hear it? Remove any self limiting obstacles that before got in your Wondrous Way. Open your Mind and Let Go of whomever and whatever does not work for you and your Upgraded Vision of what you are and all you were ever meant to See. One more Treasure Finding Herself by the Sea. Creating yourself in your own Blessed Image. This Delicious Re - Birthing session will Assuredly set your Searching Soul Free!

Newborns are never afraid to demand what they Desire. A Warm Breast that Supports each and every distinctive need. Loving Hands to wipe away the tear. Love to replace any unconscious and needless fear. It is our Birthright to Receive all all that we are Divinely due. Unfortunately, the Chosen Ones that Choose to Realize this Hope are far and Famous Few. Go for the ground Golden Flax. Wear the Precious Crown of Calzone, topped with Sunflower Seed Cheese, under an Indian Summer Sun. Soon, kicking one's hell - bent heels off, to cool mercifully in a Raw - Struck River of frozen Banana Coconut Cream Pie. For, it is only when we so Rightly Allow our old Self to die, that we Dare to grab ourselves by the long, lost cajone's. This is when we are finally Able to find The Taste Tempting Truth that's always been there!

Chris Iversen's Beginner and Advanced Living Food Chef Certification Course is not simply seedy stuff for the light headed or heavy Hearted. Not for long! As you spread your newly sprouting wings to Assuredly stir and Patiently pat ... Heart - shaped loaves, full of sprouted Energy, Love and Life, you will begin to Breath easier. A Braver World where Innocent Boys turn into ManKind. A soothing Eternal Spring where every Goddess designs her own Ring. A Love - filled Land where Timeless task is taken to All - Knowing Hand. Where all Heart's are One, as worn on the Cuisinart splattered sleeve of a Generous Role Model, who has somehow found the Strength to Synergistically help Support other's in The Eternal Quest to again, Believe.

The Living Source Cafe at 1111 Commercial Drive is where it's all happen'n. The heat is off. The stove is "a great chopping board" and the all studious students are kept on their feet, as they gleefully digest the Magical Manifestation of another Spirit Soaring appetite - filled with some Sinless and Sumptuous Sensation. Sister and Brother - to Divinely Discover within this Delicious Class, The Freedom to Express themselves as they deem fit. Whether it be at the Trusty controls of the cooling motor of a top of the line Vita Mixer with all the gadgets. Or, with pen on paper, while munching upon those last Okanogan Farm Fresh Apple slices, painlessly sliced with a Priceless non - oxidyzing ceramic knife. Cut the Living Calzone. This has just got to be what we have all been secretly waiting for - a Simpler, Saner and Safer Way of Life!

With Bountiful Blessings and All The Best of Life's Beauty,

Love Katherine


See you at next weekend's ' Sunday School ' class


Friday, September 24th, 2004

Towards The Moon

Letting Go

I close my eyes as I pull back my arm one more time. Moving forward, with long, firm strokes I swim one more length of the empty pool. Even the two Lovers have left, leaving me alone within this wetted Womb. To probe the depths of my stirring emotions, as my buoyant body glides ever so Effortlessly, like quicksilver ...

Time alone to Savour the Feeling of being Supported by Water that surrounds and Comforts all parts of quickly Relaxing Me. Allowing My Willing Self to be Transported Safely to one more shoreline, near. Letting go of the mind's endless fear to enter into a New World of my own Magical Making. Remembering only this unequalled Moment. Freedom is merely one more breath away ...

Revived and Refreshed,

Love The Magic Mermaid - Katherine


Saturday, September 11th, 2004
Living - Naturally

Living Naturally is the only way to Live! And, it's a Supernatural September Weekend when one more Favourite American owned chain store - "Capers" can hire a Real Live Band, serve up cooked Corn on the cob ( with Organic butter, surely ), and fill every vendors space, from the most Tempting unsprayed Orchard Apples to processed and prettily packaged soy milk. Plenty of Sunshine and Neighbours with Excited Kiddies out for a lazy day stroll. Some time for freebies, samples and more Knowledge from the ever 'educated' outside World.

Plenty of Marketing Savvy and 'word of mouth' brought members of a hungry Community together for a couple of Music - filled Fun days of Smiles, Spicy Chilli Pepper Flax Oil, and pecking Parrots pooping on the parking lot pavement. " Top Ten" 100% Raw Health Bars ( except for the "Bliss" selection ), Frazer Valley Farmers and Organic Fare. Babies in carriages, and tired Parents, everywhere. The YWCA 'giving away' one month pass's for laps in an ozone pool. Not just Healthy Sales and Marketing tools set aside for just any downtown Vancouver fool!

With wetted hair, after a late Afternoon steam, I wheeled past too many bulging bellies, to Gratefully see Sam Graci's beaming face. I was once again so Pleased to meet a Personality Warm with a Positive Attitude, no Individual or formal organization can defeat. His Warm and Reassuring Hug, Sincere Accolades and added intro to Bruce, the 'king pin' of Greens + , no Healing Saturday could Deliciously beat. Not just the Synergistic Balance one Award Winning Recipe Man Created. Nor, the Prolificy of Well Researched articles written for "Alive" and a Divine host of other North American Journals and Health oriented Magazines. Spread the Healing Word and pass the New Age News : Taking a Pro - Active Approach with Alternative Medicine and Trusted Instincts to Guide You - is all that's ever going to Save This New Day.

With Warmth and Rawsome Wit,

Love Katherine


Of course, the Blue's Man with the Deep Purple Grapes and Hazelnuts right from a Matsqui Tree made a Single Momma and her Babe ever the Happier. Instead of one x - promoter's Famous Blueberries, already "all sold out", we ate plump Fruit, Fresh off the Tender - Hearted Vine. As usual, I Cracked a few naughty jokes, while biting into a couple of the moistest Nuts. Feeling Wondrously Well as we Ate - Indian Summer Fine. May this be the Supernatural Tale spread and told by other Happy Souls - such as my Grape stained Boy and Happily Munch'n Mine!


See you at next years annual "Living Naturally Fair!"


Wednesday, August 11th, 2004
2:30 p.m.

A Musical Celebration of Divine Devotion

Shankar Roy, the Impassioned Promoter of Amjad Ali Khan ( ) and his concert, this Saturday Eve at the Orpheum Theatre, called to Kindly confirm a couple of well coveted "dress circle" tickets for 2 ( K2) are being couriered to us, this Sunny Afternoon. My wee Rawsome date and I shall soon be ' close up and personal' with India's Magical Maestro of Heart and Song. As the curtain opens ... thus , so shall our own Heart's ...

What a Welcoming Manifestation of a Gracious "Thank You" for all that I have been Sharing and Daring with this Healing Universe. One more more 'Karmic Payback'.

I look forward to meeting the Kindly Indian Father of two almost grown Children and brand new Daddy to a tail wagg'n, lickable Puppy. The Wise Man who told me, "I look at your website and I think it's Interesting how you are Promoting Consciousness". Well, this Industrious Soul must Be one of the Conscious few who surely ought to Know!

With Clarity and Consciousness Raising Clout,

Love Katherine


Wednesday, August 11th, 2004
early Afternoon

A Raw - Struck Perspective

Lovely Lori, "the Raw Girl in transition" recently called to Congratulate me for my upcoming Rawsome positioning as "Celebrity Chef" ( one of a few hired ) at this weekend's annual 'Taste of Health'.

My new Writer Friend just published a piece on Frederick Patenaude ( ) in 'Alive' Magazine. And, she imformed me that she has even published another smaller article on "Fair Trade Banana's". "If I didn't have to work, I would be a full time Writer", she duly informed me, with more Acceptance of the so called 'inevitable' than I Care to ever Hear..

With Organic Sun dried Olives, packed Olives, packed in Fresh, cold pressed Olive Oil, my ' working stiff' Raw Aficionado is looking forward to catching Me and Mine as we Share with the starving masses how we are so ALIVE and LOV'N IT! Kaelin and I Shall be treating a roomful of hungry Hearts to Rawsome food for the Soul and all Supernatural Yummies - Happy and Whole!

With an Overflowing Heart and Generous Spirit,

Love Katherine

P.S. I look forward to your next Raw some Writings, Lori ...

Tuesday, August 10th, 2004
4:30 p.m.
Mini Males and Puppy Dog Tails

I just spoke to a Lovely Mom, with her 4 wheel'n Son, and their wee white curly furred Puppy, who followed Mommy wherever she meandered. We spoke of Children, Compassion and much of what this Life often Gives Us in any seemingly 'disorderly' fashion.

With my ever Warming Heart expanding, I watch Kaelin Gently push a Junior Playmate on the Playground swing. Smiling, I Feel at Peace. So Blessed Am I to have the Joy the of a little Boy in my Wondrous World!

With Heart - felt Happiness,

Love Katherine


Monday, July 27th, 2004
An Evening of Believing

Dr. Young - Forever!

Kaelin and I received a couple of complimentary TX to attend this Evenings event at The Bayshore Hotel. Dr Young Shared his Spirited Spiritual Insights, Patiently answered questions and Kindly signed his most recent noteworthy and definitely newsworthy Ground - Breaking book : " The PH Miracle for Diabetes". An Evening well spent - with plenty of Pleasurable Illuminating from a Man with unearthly Focus, who Fully understands his Mission on this Healing Planet. Not only does he Believe in what he Writes, Speaks and Passionately Promotes - he Lives it!

Believe it or not, a Sacred Few of Us are actually Positively Motivated by what we see as 'a sign of the times'. Even though "7 million Americans are diagnosed with Diabetes", this upstanding Steward of Personal Health and Life's Happiness Writer's his Truth and continues to persevere in 'the face of constant adversity'. And, even though he is married ( publicly, too ) to his Lovely and Glowing Shelley - that's my Kind of Man!

As the Good Doc Faithfully maintains, "Energize, Alkalize and Hydrate". This is the only way to keep our Bodies and our Minds Free of Dis - Ease. Spread the Rawsome Word!

Keeping With the Highest of Vibrations,

Love Katherine

P.S. Be sure and check out Dear Doctor Young's information packed website : Even though it may merely and so Magically be to - Save Your Precious Life!

Monday, July 26, 2004
Savouring Dr. Seuss and fresh Blackberries as I read to Kaelin on our Rose Scented Balcony suits me just fine. Relaxing under a Loving Son with my little Homeschooler of a Wee Genius One - is all I need on a heated Summer's Day. This is the only way I Choose to so Lusciously Live.

Just goes to prove : You Rightly Recieve what you Give!

From the Land of Plenty,

Love Katherine

Friday, July 23, 2004

Real Life

Blowing spit bubbles on the balcony with my Babe. We bask in the Birthing of one more Supernatural Day. Sitting Peacefully alongside Rose Bushes and many a flowering shrub. We are Transported by the Welcoming of Sunshine and All Encompassing Love.

Later, I discover my favourite biking route around Science World has been temporarily eliminated due to The Molson Indy and noisy metal money making machines. A decade after my short tenure as one of the first 'Molson Indy Girls' - I am content to pedal my tight butt beyond reminders of modern day technology and all 'advancement' brings in it's steely stead.

Stopping at Book Warehouse, I Excitedly put in an order for Margaret Atwood's "Rude Ramsey..." Since I much prefer fairytale stories full of alliteration and Timeless Truth, I hungrily trail my fingers upon the Beloved Shelves. Remembering for a Wondrous while how to ' forget' those who don't Live Mindfully within the tattered text of their own torn Selves.

I pick Kaelin up at the pool after snorkelling Fun and chlorinated water in his freckled nose. Together we make our Adventurous Way Home. Gentle Reminders of a World that I now Choose to Live Within. Bliss is a Safe Harbour where I Now arrive easily at... Just ask my Loving Little Boy, from the backseat, where he has never for far too long, just simply sat!

I lead the way to our Home filled with Fragrant Flowers and 2 tiny Fishies that expect only to be fed. After preparing a late Evening meal for My Wee Man and I , we eagerly loose the lights, to burn the candles and Give Thanks for all we Truly have. Then, I put My Mini Soul mate and I to Blissful Bed. To Dream of Angels and other Heavenly things. For Now it is Truly Time to spread our Expanding Wings ...

Dearly and Divinely,

Love Katherine

Thursday, July 22, 2004
Warming In The Noon ...

Sniff and Crunch

Overnight, my new Hibiscus in full bloom. Freshly dehydrated Granola sweetening up the room. Sun shining down upon our Gold Fish. Life can surely be Everything that you Wish!

Love - a whole bunch,


Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Never too late

Peace is What You Make

Although it be in the middle of the Sun Filled Day - I Choose take Rest Offered - Where I May. Even Exotic Birds must come down off their perch for a short while. Who says that when I Sleep, I no longer Smile?

As the Sing Song of a breathtaking Nightingale - lost in darkness - Her Voice does not for too long fail. For Angels and Wild Women must both learn to Fly. Who says They aren't both so Simply I?

In Welcoming of Newfound Wonder,

Love Katherine

Tuesday, July 20th, 2004

My Wonderful World

Kaelin's skips rocks at the Ocean's Edge as I bike around Stanley Park. The Sun shines upon me as I stop to photograph Visions that catch my Enchanted Eye. Reflections of bouncing baby clouds skim off the surface of Water as clear as crystal glass.Birds dive and swim as Lovers picnic upon the lushness of greenest grass.

A meal shared in Bliss and Rawsome Beauty. An Evening as Relaxed as an Open Heart can Be. Heaven as far as I can See...


Love Katherine

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I AM a Flower soaking up the Summer's Sun. Whole and Precious. Now - as One

K. Marion

Closing tired eyes to Dream ... Visualizing a better World than I might have before Seen. This Beauty is all it's ever Been. Mine!

With Love and Lightness,


Sunday, July 18th, 2004
Close to Sunset

The Grass Is Greener Over Here ...

It's so much unadulterated Fun to Leisurely lay here upon the grass and write about the multi - textured events that take place as I watch the Joy spread across an ' Old Man's face. The bobbing Grace of a little Girl's ponytail. Grandma's pushing Grandpa for a piece of the mini soccer ball game. One wee male goalie who keeps the ball away, again!

My Heart is now such a Happy Home for Me. Soon, all the World shall take a look and See. What a Welcoming Return To Innocence can surely Be!

In Laughter and Love,


Sunday, July 18th, 2004
Early Evening

A Daisy A Day ....

"Thank Goodness for the Kindness of strangers" the big Momma wearing all black, on a warm Summer's Day, Gratefully exclaims to her very Young Son. The same Thankful Boy who was just twirled and chased by one Playful rough - housing hunk at the nearby water park.

Must be the Reason why this one Jubilant jumper presented the Joyous jock with a Most Thoughtful and freshly plucked Lazy Susan.

Life if for Giving May we all do more than Hope to Find Our Joy!


Love Katherine

Sunday, July 18th, 2004
Sunny Afternoon

A Delicious Day

My slurping Son and I hungrily devour a Supernatural Smoothie made by one Dedicated Mommy. Barrelling down with a big blue shovel of a plastic spoon, bought with his own funds, Kaelin carefully fills his ladle, full ... Garden grown Organic Raspberries, Crab Apples, Apricots, Bing Cherries and Bananas ( imported ) pureed and served over a chilled bed of Fresh Okanogan Peaches. Happily, one wee Wonder of a Raw Vegan slurps his Summer Savoury Goodies with relish and Raw - Struck Delight!

Merely the bittersweet beginnings of one more Bright and Beautiful Day...

In Taste and Truth,

Love Katherine

Sunday, July 18th, 2004


I watch one more ambitious street person push his heavily weighted down shopping cart across one more well marked crosswalk in my Comfy Coal Harbour neighbourhood. As my head empties of the 'dime a dozen' deposits made by too emotionally bankrupt many, my Heart begins to once again, fully Open ...

I hear a big, noisy bus travelling altogether too quickly through the busy intersection beneath me. Suddenly, I yearn to jump aboard, headed for ' destinations unknown!'

I listen to the Birds happily chirping in the nearby manicured Garden, and I know I must find my way back to the Woods from whence I came...

I shall burrow away Safely into the Solitude that darkness Offers Me, for a brief and Beloved Eternity. Sheltered by the endless shade of towering Trees that Comfort and Support Me. Resting my wearied Soul to lay upon laurels that Gently shift if the settling of this Awakening Summer's Breeze.

By Way of Natures Virtues and Compassion for Fellow Man - Kind,

Loving Katherine

Sunday, July 11th, 2004

Grab Onto The Reigns and Run...

A Unicorn with a Magical White Horn. A Boy with a 'crippled' leg who learns to walk on his Own. A Mother who has to be taken by the Gentle Hand and Shown. A Girl who Shares The Truth with those unworthy. A town that almost fell asleep ... and died. If not for a Boy who never gave up when others never even tried!

Epic Adventure set in Fairytale Scale. Breathe Deeply and slowly exhale ... Believe in Love and The Power of The Imagination. Hold on tight to the reigns while you climb as high as Heaven can send You. Remembering that 'Doing What Feels Right' is all that Really Matters. Thus, the one and only way to Your Beloved Self - Be Forever True...

With Fondness and Fun,

Love Katherine

P.S. The title of this most Enchanting video that Kaelin and I ever so Happily watched, last night :" Nico - The Unicorn". Enjoy!

Saturday, July 10th, 2004

Still Believing ...

FORTES FORTUNA ADIUVAT (Fortune favors the bold) - Terence (2cd century Roman playwright), BC 185-159, Roman Writer of Comedies

That Butterfly is Me!

Today I had the Greatest of Fortune to See with my own Blessed Eye - a Precious Monarch Butterfly fluttering by ... Upon wings of Brightest Yellow painted with Gold, I spoke through my Lens of Love - to Spirit Guide of old. Upon the gentle whispering of a Summers breeze - I was given Gifts such as Blessed these ...

Remember All That You are Meant To Forever Be is already Looking at you ... possibly closer than you may ever Hope to See!

With Magical Meanderings,

Love Katherine

Monday, July 5th, 2004
3:20 a.m.

Earthly Angel

Surely does She exist

Golden locks lightened by the Sun
Bronzed Beauty Adored by everyone

Myths of Goddess' do persist

Ocean Waters heal her tender feet
Open Sky is where Wonders meet

Loves sends what no one can resist

Breeze against her softened cheek
Embodiment of Love to Boldly Speak

Through sheerest veils of Heavenly mist

Travelling swiftly upon wings of Light
Bravely she leaves her Lover of The Night

Entering into what Blessed others missed

Brightness of a New and Shining Day
Guide this Gentle Goddess on her Way

Towards Open Hearts and tear stained lips Now Kissed

Earthly Angel spun from Purest Gold
Heaven Sent secret before untold

Surely does She exist ...

With Great Gusts of Goddess Given Glory,

Love Katherine

Sunday, July 4th, 2004
10:15 P.M.

Making The Music of Love

While countless others may merely Wish to watch fireworks - Kaelin plays the Buddhist chimes with a polished piece of semi precious rock. He attunes to a higher Consciousness, as the melodious harmony resonates within my very Being. And, I begin to sing ...

My little Boy hums with his Mother as she Consciensciously clicks away at the keyboard, under the watchful eye of a Gently waning Full Moon. As I look out upon the vast expanse of over priced condos of cozy Coal Harbour, I see more television sets sending forth their electromagnetic rays than I do Shining Stars in the cloudless Sky. And, I pray for a clearer day ...

He hits the Magical keys as my Grateful vocal chords reach up towards a Heaven I can Now Easily See. I Feel our Love soar Safely to a Saner place as I travel to a Home left for far too long. Transported, Spirit re - united with Soul, two Happy Happy Heartbeat's deliver a Divine bit of Heaven to this ever hungry World!
Undivided - in Unity,

Love Katherine

P.S. Happy July 4th!

P.S. Remember, every new and Glorious Day is a Consciousness Raising Cause for Celebration!!!

Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
Venus passing...

"A Celebration of Life"

So many Surprises are sometimes tearfully Held in store for Us ...

Dear Debbie unexpectedly left this World - Today's Fine June Day. Leaving one Loving Husband and Bright Young Prodigal Son in her wake ... Gentle Soul with further travels yet to take ...

This Friday shall be held a Consciousness Raising Commemorative in her Distinct and Divine Honour. May all lay to Rest their fear and fragrant Flower. Here lies one more Glorious Woman - Now Fully in her Goddess - Sent Power!

With Respect and Raw - Felt Gratitude,

Love Katherine

P.S. And, I Know her Beloved Doggie and Constant Loving Companion shall miss Devoted Mistress ever Dearly!

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
3:30 a.m

With ' Stars ' in Her Eyes


A Shooting Star : 'coming to a neighbourhood near you'!

I can still See the fiery blaze... trailing across the jet black of a cloudless Early Morn Sky. Like a rapid orange vapour that disintegrated in less than the shake of quivering fingers, lacing up running shoes... to see the Star - Lit Show.

We grabbed the camera and we sped... as fast as any Shooting Star could ever Hope to send us. Kaelin thought 'it' was a "Giant Meteorite" that had surely dug a huge hole in the Earth's surface. As we 'hit' Vancouver's downtown core ( is that an oxymoron or what? ) we had to surely admit that our Souls were all that was 'pounding the pavement' within these wee hours. Even the grizzled guy asleep on the bus stop bench, wasn't about to Awaken for police car cruiser or nearby Security Guard patrol. Thus deciding to 'let sleeping dogs lie' we ran with the Truth and an empty canister of film... all the way Happily Home.

Let the Truth be what Holds me Still. Keeping the Magical Memory Alive in My Mind's Keen Eye - shall be a Privilege and a Treasure of The Rarest Kind. For Shooting Stars are a very Precious Gift - to Forever Find!

Boldly and Brightly,

Love One " Northern Star " - Katherine

Monday, May 31st, 2004
In The Eve - Believe It!

One More Goddess Sent Hour - Rawsome!

Supernatural Excitement buoys me to the Goddess - sent Heavens ...

The Producer of EarthSave's 'Taste of Health' has Kindly requested I sign on as one ' Chef Rawsome ' for her Delicious Show. Sure to be even more of a Supernatural Success since this Divine Diva of all that is Delectable and Truly Delicious .... said "Yes!"

It is Absolutely because I have been practicing saying "No!" - that this Synergy was Allowed to be accepted by my Rawsome Radar. Every day I Become .... Stronger and Stronger ... as I Consciously Continue to uphold with Integrity - All that is Truly Important to Marvellous Me.

As the Wise Saying goes : "If you don't have your Health ... you don't have anything". Well, this Yummy Mommy has it All ... and it's Time To Share!

With an Open Heart and Helping Hand,

Love Katherine

P.S. All we must Do is "Believe in Ourselves and Trust in The Universe". That's quite a tall and Supernatural Order. Let's Achieve it ....Together!

Sunday, May 9th, 2004
Early Morn

Oh Mother Me!

It just cracks me up...

I Gratefully Play the recent recording Created by the most Precious Being I Am so Blessed to have brought into this World. " Hello, Mommy. I Really Love You. Can I watch a cartoon, now. I really want to. Bye." Laughing aloud, I almost choke back the flood of tears. And I Smile - with an overriding sense of All Encompassing Gratitude.

Kaelin has Thoughtfully taped me a varied and Endlessly Loving variety of Love - Felt messages, this Early Mothers Day Morn. He opened up the package that was initially Intended as a Gift for A Photographed Wedding Client. Obviously, the pretty sounding piece somehow got into none other than the Heart- Felt Hands of this Mother's Favourite Love Song.

Gentle Reminders are to Be Listened To. .. True Love can never leave. It is only The Happiest of Hearts that Truly Remain.This Open Heart will never again Be The Love Filled Same!

With Awe Inspired Wonder and Eternal Delight,

Momma K

P.S. - Love's Blessings - often outta sight!

Katherine Marion

Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
early morn

Entering The Land of Yum....

A full evening of sending out mass e - mail's to my Supernatural Friends and Consciousness Raising Cohorts.
After all, someone's gotta promote this Mother on a Mission - Woman with a Vision!

This upcoming Sunday I will be hosting one more Hot ( except for the temperature ) night of Delicious Divinity.

Many platters full of Pleasing fare fit for a Supernatural Star!

Kaelin's even suggested a prepare a Rawsome banana / coconut pie with a crunchy nut crust. A must!

Love Katherine

P.S. Keep Salivating...

Monday, May 3rd, 2004

Ciao Bella!

After answering 22 Well Thought Up questions from a Close Friend's School Girl Daughter, I am about Ready to close my tired lids ...

How do I Feel? Supernaturally Good!

For hours, I have Opened My Heart to Share my Truth with a Young and Inquiring Mind. She is Writing a story on my Life for her High School Journalism Class. What a Compliment that She Chose Me and My Success Story - for one of her First and Foremost Crowning Glories.What a Pleasure to Inspire True Greatness within a Blessed Other!

Now, I Shall Sleep the Soul Satisfying Sleep of a Babe wrapped in Love and held in the arms of a Universe who Delivers Me Safely, each and every Fairy Tale - Time.

Dear Vanessa - I Do Thus Bless,
Love Katarina

P.S. Gracias Bella!



Tuesday, April 27th, 2004

Drink Up ...!

Wow! I almost forgot how much Absolute Fun it is to Be the Belle of the Ball.

Our Good Friend, Wayne invited us to a Wellness Presentation held at the Radisson, this eve. We attended and also brought a few other Loving Hearts and Open Minds. One more Supernatural Success Story!

What a Wonderful Entertainer I Am. Sometimes, I almost miss the total Exhilaration and Outright Thrill of making other's Laugh. It means a lot to bring even more Meaning into the Lives of so Marvellous many. To Free other's from their too often overwhelming daily stresses, even if only for a short and Liberating while, merely by Being the Best I Can Be!

Dr. George Grant ( Academy of ) - I Wish to Thank You for tonight's Highly Stimulating Hour of Laughter and Profound Truth.

And, to the Wise Guys at Ganoderma - You Know a Good thing when you See One, don't you? After all, even ' Healthy Coffee can't lift your Spirits like this Supernatural Herbal Tea Tot'n Gal!


Sunday, April 25th, 2004
April's Sunshine

One more Glorious Day. A leisurely stroll along Lost Lagoon and through ' Ted and Mary's Rhododendron Garden'. Talk about Nature Perfected Prolificy!

Many stops along Life's Wondrous Way - for full blown Colour Photographs of my ever constant Model and Brother Soul Mate - Kaelin. Children playing at 2nd Beach Park. A Cute Puppy, with a Mighty Bark, Languorously lolling in the ankle deep Grass. Giggling Babies planting their Naked Feet in the Sun - Warmed Sand. Today is a first rate and Supernatural Day - this I Know - first hand!

Finally, we arrive at Cowabunga Beach to rest the Bicycles for a while. A Friend comes to Play with his Pal, so I may visit the gym for a short and intense Power workout. I flex my Hungry Muscles on the inverted leg press, leg extension, inner and outer press, and finish off with a few sets of dumbbell lunges. After Stretching it all out, I am feeling like I' ve never missed a beat. A Strong and Powerful surge of new Energy fills Me as I Feel my Own Infinite Strength and most Inner and Shining Beauty.

Soon, I leave the Safe confines of the Brightly lit neighbourhood gym, to visit nearby West End shop keepers and talk to leash wielding 'master's and mistress' ' of various Exotic breeds of well Pampered Pets with Priceless Pedigrees. I Gratefully Breathe in the lingering Aroma of Springtime Flowers with names I Wish I Knew. Leaning over, I spy a Delightful little Asian Girl eyeing some Gorgeous yellow Tulips, and I gladly Give her the Gracious Gift of a Fragrant mini Bouquet I earlier, so Wisely picked ( shshshhhhh..) She Smiles an Inviting Smile - Only Supreme Innocence can unselfconsciously ever Hope to Convey. And, my Brave and Beating Heart turns inside - out, one more Blessed Time.

Along Bayshore Drive, I converse with a young Asian Mom, who could be an older Sis, with pimples and a Boyish haircut. Her look-alike Son is traipsing Happily alongside his fluffy white 6 month young Bijon puppy. With floppy ears and a spry lift of his short whip of a furry tail, the new Family mascot takes the lead as a long and pretty leash practically trails behind unflappable him. Life is precisely as it should Be. And every Sacred Moment is Full of Precious Flavour - Forever Golden!



Wednesday, April 21th, 2004

1:20 p.m.
My Boy's Got it Licked!

"Mommy, can Dogs talk?", the Highly Inquiring little Mind, at my constant side, Innocently asks Me, as we set out to walk along the Seawall to catch the Sea bus to North Vancouver. For a Wondrous Moment, I say nary a word, as I Fondly Remember how we yelped and barked down Burrard, with outright Glee, on our bikes, just the Delightful day before...

This wee Boy Wonder, who can Woof like no Howling Basset Hound I've ever yet to rub wet noses with, waited ever so Patiently for the ' trainer's' ( of whom was surely once a wriggly and Wondrous Pup) untamed response. " Sweet Puppy Lover, Kaelin - if people can bark, then Doggies can undoubtedly talk. Wouldn't you agree?"

My cuddly little ball of Energy and Love must have understood. For, all along our Welcoming Walk, my Bright and Shining Son wagged his cute and fluffy cotton ball of a tell - tale tail, to the total Contentment of his most Hopeful and Happiest Self.

Mmmmmm... don't some Puppy Tales just kinda Grow On Ya!

With One more Bite of a Supernatural Day,
Loves and Licks - Katherine

P.S. Just Wait until I Share another ' Biting ' story - " Mommy, did I used to be a Puppy?" Utterly Enchanting!



Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
As Sweet as Honey

Aren't things just Buzzzzz....'n along! I have joined up as part and Precious Pure parcel of a Supernatural buying club. First thing on the Rawsome roster - Bee Pollen!

Up for Divine delivery is 250 lbs. of one of the most Life Enhancing Super Foods ever Created by Mother Nature. Just take a look at that Queen Bee would you ! This mini Diva of all that is Powerful - she Lives Forever ... As those sad little wings drop off the tired worker Bees, bit by bit, and one by Blessed One - Queeenie keeps coming back for one more Delicious round!

Time to lay back and Allow the sweet Yummy stuff to come to the surface. If other's think they should do the work - fine. Cause I already Know what I Feel - Supernaturally Good!



Saturday, April 17th, 2004
Later in the Eve...
Rawsome Saturday Repast

When I read Martin's menu ( Call 604-983-0166 to book your reservation ) for this Saturday's Sumptuous Raw Repast, I knew I must call up a few Friends and Satisfy the Intensity of My Cravings for the most Delicious of Home Un - Cooked Food on the Northern Shores of Bright and Cleared Eye Vancouver.

With a Delicious view of the City and the Sincere Warmth of a French Host who Gladly Shares no Secret's ( in the kitchen, anyway ), we were fed to our Hungry Heart's Desire. An Animated room full of Hungry Guest's ( including my Homeschooling Son and I ) Gratefully sat down to a Fantastic Four Course meal, duly and Delightfully Inspired by the Full and most Natural of Pungent Flavours of the Creole Caribbean.

Nowadays ( or, even only on Saturday's ) it's Simply so Nice to be Served up the Exotic Spices of a faraway land, in your own Luscious back yard. After all, it is only when we Allow our Taste Buds to Truly Guide us that we Finally land upon the Savoury Shore of Raw Struck Perfection!

With an Appetite for the Best and Bravest this Luscious Life has to Offer,
Love Katherine

Saturday, April 3 rd, 2004
Mom's The Word ...

My Sweetheart Mom was sounding more than sleepy this late eve, when I called ' The House ' in Prince George - to speak with Blessed Her. She is in great pain due to the most recent ' professional' diagnosis ( this time ... ) of " a prolapsed rectum". She can hardly bare to walk the short distance to the washroom, let alone "go" when she gets there. Already, 4 visits to ' Emergency ' and over 1/4 of a year spent in the so called Loving Confines of a Hospital that never seems to Heal!

It's so painful for me to Know how I Am Able to Help My Mom and yet, no one Chooses to Listen. There is no daily fresh juice made of carrot, beet, celery, garlic and ginger. Only, dead red meat, overcooked to ' perfection ' and too long boiled potatoes. Nary a raw veggie within sight. Bottles of filtered water that nary a thirsty Soul cares to Listen to their own Body - enough to drink. Too much mind numbing t.v. and a few not always so Friendly sedated housemates, with not too much of any stimulating conversation of any Real Value to Readily Offer.

Where are the tension erasing Stretches of Yoga, that Open The fearful Heart ? Why are there cigarette butts buried, dug up, and available for this 'repeat heart victim' ? How about that Hot House built right out front, overlooking the Mighty Fraser, that was supposedly installed for My Sick Mommy ? Who will Accept Responsibility for one more deeply wounded victim of a family that has silenced themselves and her, a community that has betrayed and abandoned her, and a corrupt system that has ultimately failed her!

I Love you Mommy. I Remember who You Are and Forever will Be. For You Are The Beloved Whom Offered Only Love To Me



Friday, April 2nd, 2004
Having your Cake - and Eating it, too...

Another Thoughtful e - mail, Wishing Kaelin a " Happy 8th Birthday". This Loving note was received from ' The Precious Prof ' who so Generously donated the Pentium 111 to this Grateful Supernatural Woman, a mere 6 months or so, ago. A Goddess - send!

Now, that I finally have " this Bridge to a Gap" in my hungry little hands, I can barely do to part with it's electromagnetic Purrings... Such a tool I had before placed myself so very near... for fear ... we would never part!

Just the same, I shall Create the Space to put a little something together on one more of my Blessed Son's many Magical Days. Something Simple. Something Real. Something Deliciously Me!

With Tenderness, Teardrops and Taste buds,


Thursday,April 1st, 2004

No Fools Need Rush In ...

A Lovely Soul whom I have merely and Magically Met on two separate and distinct occasions, just called me. This Talented Female Jazz Artist just happens to deliver Fresh, Local, Organic Produce to Single Moms in the area. Good Deeds - indeed! She referred me to a Dad and Daughter whom she Feels need my Supernatural Support and Services. Sounds Rawsomely Right to Marvellous Me!

Wait until I Photograph the cover of her upcoming CD. From Raw Recipe Books to Jazzy Jumps - on a Sumptuous Sunny Day!

No Fool'n,




Happy April Fool's !
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Believing in Love - for all it's 'Worth'!

It's happening ... The Wedding is on Sunday. The bride is wearing designer off - white ( after all, it is the 'second time around' for both! ) and he will be wearing a tux. They've been together Forever. Now, it's just a matter of having a robed ( not, 'disrobed ) Supreme Court Judge ' tie the tear stained knot'. Guess who shall be bringing her 'special equipment?'

As yet - I have taken no vows. Worn no Man's ring. Promised to ' obey ' or paid the Govt to sign a piece of paper.

Yet , I do so Accept the Gracious Offer of ' Official Wedding Photographer'. And, what an Honour it Shall Be...!

Further Opening To Love,


Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
Open to Receiving ...

A Rosy day of Orchids from the Philippines, Delicious Raw Olives from Greece and Vancouver Sunshine!

I also received a Welcome phone call ( what's that ? ) from Kamela in Shawnigan Lake. Lovely Mommy is Kindly Inviting us out to Splash in the River and Tend to The Organic Garden. She even has 2 Beautiful Ponies for Kaelin to ride!

This Grateful Woman first contacted me when Gabriole, the Publisher of " One" magazine ( ) published " Real Adventures of a Raw Family" in
her Wonderful Island based information packed Spiritual mag. She Loved my Rawsome one pager of a Life Affirming article and we spoke at length on the phone and communicated briefly via mail.

So many Positives in this Bright and Bold New Day. And, the Bountiful Choices ... I shall just Allow ...

Breathlessly in B.C.,


Saturday, April 16th, 2004
Later in the Eve...
Rawsome Saturday Repast

When I read Martin's menu ( Call 604-983-0166 to book your reservation ) for this Saturday's Sumptuous Raw Repast, I knew I must call up a few Friends and Satisfy the Intensity of My Cravings for the most Delicious of Home Un - Cooked Food on the Northern Shores of Bright and Cleared Eye Vancouver.

With a Delicious view of the City and the Sincere Warmth of a French Host who Gladly Shares no Secret's ( in the kitchen, anyway ), we were fed to our Hungry Heart's Desire. An Animated room full of Hungry Guest's ( including my Homeschooling Son and I ) Gratefully sat down to a Fantastic Four Course meal, duly and Delightfully Inspired by the Full and most Natural of Pungent Flavours of the Creole Caribbean.

Nowadays ( or, even only on Saturday's ) it's Simply so Nice to be Served up the Exotic Spices of a faraway land, in your own Luscious back yard. After all, it is only when we Allow our Taste Buds to Truly Guide us that we Finally land upon the Savoury Shore of Raw Struck Perfection!

With an Appetite for the Best and Bravest this Luscious Life has to Offer,
Love Katherine

Saturday, April 3 rd, 2004
Mom's The Word ...

My Sweetheart Mom was sounding more than sleepy this late eve, when I called ' The House ' in Prince George - to speak with Blessed Her. She is in great pain due to the most recent ' professional' diagnosis ( this time ... ) of " a prolapsed rectum". She can hardly bare to walk the short distance to the washroom, let alone "go" when she gets there. Already, 4 visits to ' Emergency ' and over 1/4 of a year spent in the so called Loving Confines of a Hospital that never seems to Heal!

It's so painful for me to Know how I Am Able to Help My Mom and yet, no one Chooses to Listen. There is no daily fresh juice made of carrot, beet, celery, garlic and ginger. Only, dead red meat, overcooked to ' perfection ' and too long boiled potatoes. Nary a raw veggie within sight. Bottles of filtered water that nary a thirsty Soul cares to Listen to their own Body - enough to drink. Too much mind numbing t.v. and a few not always so Friendly sedated housemates, with not too much of any stimulating conversation of any Real Value to Readily Offer.

Where are the tension erasing Stretches of Yoga, that Open The fearful Heart ? Why are there cigarette butts buried, dug up, and available for this 'repeat heart victim' ? How about that Hot House built right out front, overlooking the Mighty Fraser, that was supposedly installed for My Sick Mommy ? Who will Accept Responsibility for one more deeply wounded victim of a family that has silenced themselves and her, a community that has betrayed and abandoned her, and a corrupt system that has ultimately failed her!

I Love you Mommy. I Remember who You Are and Forever will Be. For You Are The Beloved Whom Offered Only Love To Me



Friday, April 2nd, 2004
Having your Cake - and Eating it, too...

Another Thoughtful e - mail, Wishing Kaelin a " Happy 8th Birthday". This Loving note was received from ' The Precious Prof ' who so Generously donated the Pentium 111 to this Grateful Supernatural Woman, a mere 6 months or so, ago. A Goddess - send!

Now, that I finally have " this Bridge to a Gap" in my hungry little hands, I can barely do to part with it's electromagnetic Purrings... Such a tool I had before placed myself so very near... for fear ... we would never part!

Just the same, I shall Create the Space to put a little something together on one more of my Blessed Son's many Magical Days. Something Simple. Something Real. Something Deliciously Me!

With Tenderness, Teardrops and Taste buds,


Thursday,April 1st, 2004

No Fools Need Rush In ...

A Lovely Soul whom I have merely and Magically Met on two separate and distinct occasions, just called me. This Talented Female Jazz Artist just happens to deliver Fresh, Local, Organic Produce to Single Moms in the area. Good Deeds - indeed! She referred me to a Dad and Daughter whom she Feels need my Supernatural Support and Services. Sounds Rawsomely Right to Marvellous Me!

Wait until I Photograph the cover of her upcoming CD. From Raw Recipe Books to Jazzy Jumps - on a Sumptuous Sunny Day!

No Fool'n,




Happy April Fool's !
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Believing in Love - for all it's 'Worth'!

It's happening ... The Wedding is on Sunday. The bride is wearing designer off - white ( after all, it is the 'second time around' for both! ) and he will be wearing a tux. They've been together Forever. Now, it's just a matter of having a robed ( not, 'disrobed ) Supreme Court Judge ' tie the tear stained knot'. Guess who shall be bringing her 'special equipment?'

As yet - I have taken no vows. Worn no Man's ring. Promised to ' obey ' or paid the Govt to sign a piece of paper.

Yet , I do so Accept the Gracious Offer of ' Official Wedding Photographer'. And, what an Honour it Shall Be...!

Further Opening To Love,


Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
Open to Receiving ...

A Rosy day of Orchids from the Philippines, Delicious Raw Olives from Greece and Vancouver Sunshine!

I also received a Welcome phone call ( what's that ? ) from Kamela in Shawnigan Lake. Lovely Mommy is Kindly Inviting us out to Splash in the River and Tend to The Organic Garden. She even has 2 Beautiful Ponies for Kaelin to ride!

This Grateful Woman first contacted me when Gabriole, the Publisher of " One" magazine ( ) published " Real Adventures of a Raw Family" in
her Wonderful Island based information packed Spiritual mag. She Loved my Rawsome one pager of a Life Affirming article and we spoke at length on the phone and communicated briefly via mail.

So many Positives in this Bright and Bold New Day. And, the Bountiful Choices ... I shall just Allow ...

Breathlessly in B.C.,

Monday, March 29th, 2004
Very Early Morn

See through Fish and a Clear Looking Glass

I can't get enough of this Raw Struck Feeling!

Loading one more colour Fuji ( love those vibrant greens ) film into my Canon EOS, I shoot past the sunlit fish tank, for the bowed and Graceful head of Aphrodite. As this Earth - Bound ' Eternal Goddess of Love ' makes herself Comfortable upon the cleaned countertop of my tidy glassed - in preparation area, I aim at her from every Beloved and Blessed angle.The lingering Aroma of Fresh Cut Flowers fills the Scented Air - reminding me of the Lovely Couple last served from there - Supernaturally!

My Well Known Painter Friend, Venito - who's Fascinating Paintings hang Ceremoniously upon the once lonely walls of The Vancouver Supreme Court, is the Divine and Dark Haired One who made the Fateful call .... Now, when 'Honourable' black robes whoosh by, it is a transplanted South American Talent who's Images empty their overflowing heads - instead to fill the most discriminating Eye. The only thing left for I - to so Deliciously Do, was Create a Conscious Creation - For Love - Filled Late Arrivals - Two.

This Lovely Lady who played my Son's Keyboard, almost as well as she splatters her Sweet Soul upon every clean canvas - ate from the colourful hues of ceramic dishes, perching Prettily upon a Precious Imported South East Asian serving tray, placed gently onto scattered Sheepskin Rugs. She and her Beaming Male Partner - a Compassionate Man of Immense Intellect and Exuberant Curiosity for Life - hungrily ate in Silence, into the wee and Wondrous hours of the Magical Morn. After both attending the Famous Artist, Tony Only's Intensely Moving Burial Ceremony, this Last Port of Impassioned Call and Place of Peace was only Befitting.

These are a few of the Lasting Memories that still Fill My Heart . It is a New and Bolder Sun that Now Shines even more Bravely into the Tasty Fragments of My Luscious Life. I May only do my Best to Capture the many fleeting Moments of Insurmountable Gratitude that Fill me with as much Joy as the Grateful looks upon the Lovingly Remembered Faces that practically licked their Rawsome platters clean ... Such Delicious Morsels you have never Seen!

With Wonder and a Delicious Appetite for Life,

Love Katherine



Here's to many more "Enchanting" ( thank you, Raymond ) Rawk'n Potlucks dished up by Katherine - and served with ONLY LOVE!
Copyright 2003 by