Super Natural Woman

May 2004

SuperNatural You: Doctors - Advice Column


May 9th Mothers Day - 2004

Dear Mommy ...  I love you ...



Mothers Day is Every Conceivable Day of Loving Ourselves - in Every Believable Way! - Advice Column

Mother - May !?                          early morn

Mothering Oneself is a Necessary and virtually lost Art. The Nurturing of Our lost little Girl who sometimes has nowhere else to look - except Inside - is often a seemingly arduous task. This is where one Old Soul's steady Mate's - ' Faith 'and ' Hope' come into Play...

Bring your Pure and Precious Playmate's out to Dance with Delight this early Summer Day. Hold Yourself as Close as the Love you Allow Yourself to Give to so many others. Offer everything you have ever Dreamed ... to that Love Child who asks nothing more than to Be Loved!

Follow Your Heart and this World shall again Be the Almighty it once upon a Love Filled Time - so ever Sweetly Seemed...

Great Gusts of Goddess - Sent Blessings,

Love Momma Special K

April 2004

Homelearners� Network News
Issue No. 3 for 2003-2004: April 2004

October 31, 2003
October 23, 2003
September 24, 2003 - Rape
Rape And The Victor Rape And The Victor - new section.
My Love is The Light - article.
September 11, 2003 - Love
September 3, 2003 - Life
August 21, 2003 - Supernatural Advice
August 1, 2003 - Supernatural You
July 24, 2003 - Summer and Water
July 14, 2003 - Tales, Fun and Sun
July 7, 2003 - Farmer's Market
July 4, 2003 - Happy Canada Day!
June 22, 2003 - Healing
June 15, 2003 - Happy Father's Day!
June 12, 2003 - Features, Music & Milk
Advanced Search - new site feature.

June 11, 2003 - Biking & Yoga
June 6, 2003 - Family & Yoga
Sometimes Kundalini Cravings 2 - article.
Sometimes - poem.
The Power of Love - article.
Peace is a Family - article.
May 31, 2003 - Family, Youth & Yoga
May 24, 2003 - Nature, Youth & Yoga
May 21, 2003 - Love
Magic My Love - poem.
News Archive - May 20, 2003 - Joy
The Shrinking of Joy - Kaelin's story.
Joy - jigsaw puzzle.
May 16, 2003 - Family
May 10, 2003 - Family
May 4, 2003 - Poetry
May 3, 2003 - Poetry
April 21, 2003 - Life

Katherine and Smoothie Birthdays & Balance (Apr 6, 2003) The Wellness Show! (Mar 26, 2003) Sheepskin Slippers and a Smoothie! (Mar 22, 2003)

Check out the delicious Rawsome Recipe of the Week! (Mar 10, 2003) Read Saga of a Drinking Mom! (Mar 14, 2003) What a Smoothie's Really Made of... (Mar 15, 2003)

Today is International Women's Day, have you done something for the special woman in your life? (Mar 8, 2003)

Raw Reviews: 'Eating Without Heating' Raw Reviews looks at the latest Boutenko book: 'Eating Without Heating'! (Feb 23, 2003)

Raw and Real Deal Newest article Raw and Real Deal! (Feb 16, 2003)

Store Yes, it's finally here! This is where you can order your own Super Natural products!

Explore the finer aspects of Vancouver with Excursions into the SuperNatural!

Read and view pictures from my Birthday! Happy 43 Years Young! (Jan 5, 2003)

Merry Christmas! New articles: Everyday is Christmas |

Postcards New photo gallery: Halloween Ghost Train in Stanley Park (Dec 22, 2002)

Postcards Postcards to the Webmaster. Read about Katherine's Prince George trip. (Dec 16, 2002)

Festival New photo gallery: Sacred Music World Festival - Vancouver's Plaza of Nations. (Dec 11, 2002)

Boutenko Family Browse through a showcase of Katherine's life! Two new galleries: Animal Voices and Boutenko Family. (Nov 30, 2002)

Puzzle Weekly Jigsaw Image. Stretch your mind with this week's Jigsaw (updated: Nov 23, 2002)

Halloween A Super Natural event Premiering on a Super Natural night! Welcome to the brand-new Super Natural Woman Site! I plan to expand upon this collection of thoughts, greatly encouraging participation from friends and visitors.

Mug Shop for your Super Natural products here! Need a T-Shirt, coat, mug or poster? Show those around you that you stand for health and beauty! (coming soon!)

Mother and son Follow my life in the Adventures of a Raw and Real Family! This series of articles will cover how I stay in tune with my own ideals. Leading a life full of balance and beauty.

Food The Boutenko family recently made a comeback appearance to Vancouver this mid September to facilitate their wholesome, live food workshop "12 steps to Raw". A mere crowd of 200 showed up on the intro-night alone - hungry for knowledge and samples!

Kaelin and I have been deliciously inspired since we attended the fabulous foursome last weekend, February 2001 (We no longer even cheat!) With nine years of Raw-Struck Raves under their narrower belts, and upon their gently smiling faces, plenty of lip-smack'n Rawk'n delights were sumptuously served up! Ask Kaelin...

Circle The Circle of Light and Violet Rays Foundation set up the their first annual meditation for peace. Manisha presided over the gathering to send out positive affirmations and healing energy too all points of the Universe.

Radio Animal Voices is a local radio show advocating animal rights. Do you hear voices, I do! I am a voice for Raw Food and giving our four-legged friends a break - a healthy one this time! Listen to my September 9, 2002 interview...

I still don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up. Yet I do know who I am. I have chosen love over fear, happiness over heartache, and healing over disease. Like all good things and people, I am the cream that continues to rise to the top!

Flowers Flowers always brighten my day! Not only do posies look pretty, their potent perfume is the purest aroma therapy.
Magically, these precious petals have the power to transport us to a divine place - truly Heaven on Earth!

Reading Just as a healthy body requires exercise to achieve it's potential, so does your marvellous mind! Kaelin and I love reading, it's something special we share together at any time or place.

Flowers My son is the most important part of my life. Not only did he come through me, he is all the best that I aim to be. My 'inner child on the outside' has inadvertently taught me to love myself and simply just to Be.

Surf Sunshine is a source of energy. Everyone requires a minimum of 10 minutes of sun a day. In order to get our daily dose of Vitamin D and put a smile on our face - Naturally!
Picnic You are what you eat. Then, call me a nut! Or, how about a living vegetable? A seedy character...? My son seems to like it so far, and so do I. Look at us! Two walking, talking illustrations of joy and inner strength!

Market Good food starts with good organic ingredients! I shop for produce at the local Farmer's Market, choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables that sustain and satisfy my every appetite. It's such a blessing to meet the people who grow my food, while supporting local farms.
Bike Biking gives me wings to fly. What better way to see this wondrous World. My soul soars as my horizon expands.

Yoga Stretching is one of the most important things you can do for your body. When we stretch we retain our body's natural freedom of motion, while inducing a relaxed state.

Swim Swimming is one of the purest pleasures and greatest gifts I can give myself. Effortless glides through glorious waters. Pure poetry in motion. See you at the pool!
P.S. no sweat when you're wet!

Log The rugged outdoors is where I feel most comfortable and at ease! Salted spray from an ocean's cool breeze. Earth's playful elements Mother Nature does to tease.

Copyright 2003 by