Super Natural Woman

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Fell Off The Raw Vegan Wagon!

Dear Katherine and Kaelin:

Hugs to a rawsome twosome!

We've been busy--music exams for the girls, voice and flute and violin recitals, Dave's dad with heart pain followed by two angioplasties followed by a stroke, all while in hospital and under doubtful care. The staff are feeding him wonderfully--toxic chocolate pudding and who knows what else. His usual fare.

At a local bookstore last week I came upon "12 Steps to Raw Foods" by Victoria Boutenko. Dave brought the book home on May 21st and I became totally raw on Saturday, May 22. Don't believe I shall look back. Every meal is the best I've ever tasted! Looking forward to trying more complex recipes from The Raw Gourmet. Enthusiastic me spoke with hubby Dave about the 12 Steps; he read the book and is now 100% raw too! It's great to have two people excited and experimenting with new tasty creations. My kids and I still love and fight over our scrumptious fruit platters in the mornings--yum! Mango season now--both girls have a mango stain around their mouths that doesn't wash off. :)

Need some info before gathering together people for your rawsome non-cooking course here. Do you have an info packet or can you send info on what I'll need in my kitchen for your food prep course? Here's to life!


Your rawsome friend, due to falling off the vegan wagon, I've acquired a couple of benign face cancers. Itchy and festering for months. The raw diet should get rid of it. Please give me a positive message

Kamala Turiya Fern

The Boutenkos and Katherine Dear Kamala Turiya,

Thanks for the lovely note.

Kaelin and I just devoured 1/2 an organic Watermelon after Karate. Yum!

I am so Proud of You Both. I Love the juicy bit of a bite about your Daughters and their unwashable mango stained mouths. Mmmm...

Going Raw is going to Help You Save Face ( pardon the pun ). All you need to do the Heal Thineself is to Live in a Rawsome Reality. Where there is Oxygen there is Life. With your new Raw Food Lifestyle you have adopted you will automatically be Hydrating, Alkalizing, and Oxygenating your Sacred System. Pure Synergy in motion ...

Where there is Oxygen there is Creation, Growth, Rebirth. No Cancer can live in a disease - Free environment. Where there is Wellness there is Wonder to be Found. Deep .... within every Living, Loving Cell is an indelible recorded memory of who we are and what we are to so Bravely and Boldly Become. So, why not Be the Best You can Authentically Be!

Shoot that wheatgrass. Drink that Carrot Juice with Fresh Garlic and Ginger. Eat that Kale Salad. Grow your own SuperFoods - Sprouts. Love and Cherish that Blessed Vessel you were so Genereously Given. Feed and Cherish every Luscious part of your Beautiful Being. Bring back your own almight Power ...

Let every Food be your Medicine. Let every Word be Positive. Let every thought be made in Kindness. Let every Breath Be Your First!

With Energy and Renewal,

Love Katherine ( and Kaelin)

P.S. I am so glad you purchased one of Victoria's many Delicious Books. I co - photograhed the two Boutenko Teens Rawk'n book - ' Eating Without Heating' and Victoria recently hired me to Photograph her and Igor, as well as document her latest Raw Prep Weekend, here in Vancouver. Yummy on Ya!

P.P.S. Please read my Rave Review of the Raw Struck Revelations a couple of Favourite Raw Foodists. Along with a So Sweet Smoothie Recipe Created by Sergei and Valya. Enjoy...



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