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"Time To Spread The Raw Truth" -
Sat Aug 15, 2003
Supernatural Raw Workshop Series
Due to an overwhelmingly positive response to my Rawstruck article 'Adventures of a Raw Family' -
published fall 2002 - Dragonfly/One Magazine, the Boutenko teen's book
I co-photographed ('Eating Without Heating') and ravely reviewed,
my radio interviews (Animal Voices fall 2002 with Rawk'n Grand Dame Victoria Boutenko -
and MOJO radio - July 2003), and my walking, talking illustration of vibrant health,
I have decided to further share my endless Magic and Joy.
This summer, I am teaching the handy, practical, and healing benefits of a Raw Food Lifestyle. An appealing and appetizing application that can easily be implemented and conveniently incorporated into the 'busy' lives of so many Hungry To Learn a Better Way of Living and Loving themselves.
My initial three hour intensive - workshop #1 - in this Super Natural Series will reveal just how easy and straightforward it is to put together and prepare a Rawsome meal for one's self, loved ones and friends. In a casual and fun filled atmosphere we shall informally discuss a wide and varying range of questions and concerns.
I will go through the simple steps of growing sunflower sprouts, and fermenting herbed almond cheese. Next, preparing a locally grown Farm Fresh vegetable salad that combines Nutritiously and Deliciously in the Conscious Creation of one more Goddess sent Bite of Sumptuousness!
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from local organic growers will be made available to purchase at reduced retail rates proceeding a most palatably pleasing presentation.
Please inform me in advance as to your specific grocery needs. Allow me to be your supplier of all that is Supernaturally You!
From Katherine's Kitchen to Supernatural You. 'Let's Wrap it Up' - Another Organically Orgasmic Wonder!
P.S. And, how about a Yummy dairy free 'Honey Dew It (Costen melons, of course) - Now!'
ice-cream for a juicy and Divine Dessert?
Workshop Buyers Beware!
All Raw workshops attendees shall be served up one generous heaping plate of Rawsomeness
Organic Veganism at it's Finest Hour. Sure to fill you up with Life's Energy And Newfound Power!
All 'Supernatural Series' recipes presented in healthy handouts, prior to class.
We'll do the dishes.
You just eat up... unsurpassed amounts of Wealth and Wisdom you shall amass!
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